Sales Pressure

"i would like to solve the puzzle," announced the contestant on the screen. "it's..." boom! that was all mrs. miller heard as her world shook her to her knees.

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Flipping Out - Ch 3

Another piece of the puzzle slightly slid into place -- something must have happened during the induction... she cleared some of the clutter off the coffee table and sat down. she had a serious look on her face. "what is it?"

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The Legend of Esile Ruf

His mind trundled over the same puzzle that had his entire field arguing over the last fifteen years. the dorm loomed out of the soggy night like a beacon.

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Fates of the Ferals: Longing

Although the puzzle danced in the back of his mind, it was not a strong enough presence to break him away from the cheer of getting out of the house again.

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Kung Fu Panda: Tien Tsin Pepper Dart

Lord rooster let his gaze roam across the walls and floor, "a simple puzzle, no more, not difficult to figure out." he took a step forward. viper scanned the floor and ceiling, there was some sort of pattern here, if only she could figure it out.

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A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 10

So absorbed in sorting out the puzzle before him that he took no note as the silky black equine shed the leather helm to shake out that long luxurious mane, or hear the rest of the armor shed only to fall piece by piece to the carpet as they softly approached

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At the Bistro

"he is actually the problem-solver of our group" tj interjected before william could wit, "he's very good at riddles and puzzles." "mm, a muscular intellectual" sam muzed, "indeed, the parallels keep coming."

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Raiyev Part 5

This was really puzzling him. he decided to give the thought some rest until later. "anyway," he said, returning to the situation at paw, "i have to agree with dr. ferai."


Chapter 1: A new threat

Kit then took a bag and climbed back up through the rope ladder she installed and opened the bag to reveal many 3d printed prices that lock into place like a jigsaw puzzle.

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My Christmas Miracle

._ _you are an elaborate puzzle piece that i love trying to put together~_ _every second i think, "that's my scafen. my love. he wants me!

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The Resurrection Stone - Kreet 67

You can puzzle it out - it's right there in the name." "mortality," she said, though still not understanding. "that is it. the lowliest of gods have little in the way of power.

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Scott's Remote | Chapter 11

The floor was covered in toys: stuffed animals, large legos, puzzles, dolls, cars, anything that a child could possibly want to play with. and in the corner stood a large, industrial sized playpen.

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