Magic Training

"what was the misunderstanding?" she asked nonchalantly, as if it wasn't deeply personal. "we aren't his blood parents. we took him in after it was discovered ymerc's parents used dark magic."

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The Risen Curtain - Chapter 15: The Interview - About Mages

Anything misunderstanding could easily be catastrophic in a situation like that. "like i said, we dedicate hours of our days into our craft, most of it is done in research and studies." she explained to her.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 3

I hope that you did not misunderstand my statement." "no, of course not. why would i misunderstand what you said? please forgive me." i was being overtly sarcastic. too bad it was lost on the ambassadors.

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The party! [PART 14]

"thank's for the explanation, as you can tell, im the best in misunderstanding everything." luna smiled. "it's okay! feel free to ask anything." just as he was about to wave goodbye, the feline muttered something. "what was that?

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Vision: Chapter 1

"hey, whatever happened there, i'm sure it was just a misunderstanding. a lot of crazy things have been going on in harrow lately. so, you should be okay." he said.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Nineteen

"you misunderstand my relationship to the negin," victus said, after a pause to remind himself that ignorance was not malice. "if i work for anyone it is for abbot wesley of the kenzine order, but even he does not control my actions.

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No Light to be Seen: Chapter 8

"_you misunderstand me. when i say i can't access their minds, i mean that in the literal sense. during every single attempt i get repelled by a dark wall that moves to block the sight of my mind's eye.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 39: Civil War in Fur Dreams City, Blood-Tail Vs. Shadow!

" another misunderstanding... this doesn't surprise me... in fact, i've seen worse..." kerri said and walked back into the store.

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vi. Back to Ayumi's (6~15~07)

"you misunderstand me. i meant that all of your assets that you stole from your father have been reclaimed. those documents, your computer, your wardrobe, and your car do not fall into that category, and therefore need not be taken back.

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 5: Formation of the Legion

"you misunderstand. he is walking death. a ghoul. look at the eyes." xellik locked eyes with the minotaur, and felt a chill run up his spine. he had white eyes with no pupils.

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Natural Habitat Interviews 1: Lightfoot

That could get me into trouble, sometimes, if the wrong person thought that i was watching them, and misunderstanding my motives. it often helped to be light on my feet in those occasions!

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Family Days 7

"no, in times where there is misunderstanding and stuff like this it's our job to ensure your health...and so i can give you some disposable ones, but mainly because you have a prescription and it's not like i don't know you have asthma," marion replied, knowing

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