Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 4 - Zipp
Of course hitch didn't deserve what had happened to him, but she couldn't help but feel she'd missed out on something crucial.
My Love ( Tye's Depression )
I miss those times. i miss how things have changed. i approach the window with a sigh. i watch as the snow comes down, covering the ground with a white blanket. i can't help but have an aching feeling deep inside. i miss you, rubin.
Everything Lost
I miss you... i just hope that we can be together again. i miss hearing the stories you would tell me about how things use to be. i miss everything, but i know i will see you soon like we promised each other. i just hope this letter gets to you.
The Door...
Them is another day we cry and we will miss them until the day we die, we will fight a good fight we will fight until the last we will fight thro it uts the only chance we have, if we stop if we give in we will die and they will win...every day we miss you
Runaway in the Raccoon - Sequel to Daniel's Dramatic Tale
I nodded and left as miss dia began explaining to daniel how the storeroom's labels worked. the rest of the day was fairly routine aside from the fact that miss dia was finding an awful lot of 'small things' for daniel to help with.
The Search For Tabitha's Parents (Part 1)
You must miss them." he said. "and that's why i must find them!" said tabitha. "to be quite honest, tabitha, i kinda miss them too. they must be missing their 15-year-old son." spencer spoke with a twinge of sadness in his voice.
"Daggers of Darkness, Book 2, The Heart of Élendor": Chapter-4
miss ja'f'darwe smiled gently and said, "we each do what we can under the circumstances."
Bonds of Love (13)
I was surprised to see miss cortez there "i'll take these three back and see if i can't fix them up." "thank you miss cortez please take care of my children. axel you go with her. axel do you know who got him?"
What, a dog isn't a pokemon? chapter one
Dairu started feeding and i walked into little miss's fenced home. "hi sunday." little miss said happily trotting up to me. "hi miss, how you doing this morning?" i asked. "well the baby chicks kept me up and i didn't get a wink of sleep."
Westwood 4
"miss jameson, if you would please tell mr. "napalm" his desk is no place for his feet." jess nodded, not saying a word from the fearful gaze of the jaguar as she gently tapped johnny on the shoulder.
Poker Face
He took a seat next to miss mckellum. "i don't like to be an 'toldja so,' kid, but i toldja so," she said. aj looked confused. "i don't get it, ma'am.
Gahri pt 1- Friendship
"what's missing... what's missing..." he couldn't shake the thought from his conscience. for the past few days he began to feel as if he were missing something, but he couldn't quite put his claws on what it was.