The World We Live In: Chapter 40

"i've heard a lot of mercenary groups being led by chaos races, but they rarely become a thing. your efforts are quite...unique." "most people don't appreciate my kind of group," said narati.

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Loyal Dogs: The Traitor Chapter 1

He had experienced vulpran's "hospitality" first-hand during many of his travels there as a mercenary. those stuck-up, mage-humping magic lovers never gave him the time of day because he couldn't use magic.

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PAE - Incest City Background

You ought to in this world, cause if you happen across this city or any of its mercenary gangs, you'll find out real quick...

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Just Another Night's Job....

He had been a lucky man; that was until the police hired a freelance mercenary that went by the alias of "guardian". the police gave him all the information he needed to know about ihardo and guardian did the rest.

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The Races of Grimmwood

Usually bandits and mercenaries. **dwarf:** a mountain dwelling race known for their smithing and craftsmanship. **elf:** a noble race that travels from place to place. **nymph:** nature spirits known for their seduction.

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Nyxilan (Nyx) Veldser

It was mainly because they breeded the fastest horses and had the money to buy the best alchemical mercenaries and bounty hunters as guards.

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Karter's story: Chapter 3. The whereabouts of happiness

However karter didn't know that scott was a paid bounty hunter like mercenary that either the scientists back at the manitoba experiement and researce facility labs we're now trying anything possible to get closer to project 9...


Fantasy Story Preview

A couple times, he'd even joined a mercenary company on the open battlefield. but inevitably he'd moved on after a month or so, seeking a new adventure, a different experience. his partnership with rehrdahl was his longest-lasting alliance to date.

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Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 12

Then the two turned to join tinman, and the three faced off against the twenty armored and armed mercenaries, the last assault force that apple villa had managed to hire.

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7) The Dragonborn

And after that, make a trip to the dungeon to speak with this alik'r mercenary.

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Second official character typed out charactersheet

Origins:was captures as a orphan of war and was trained to withstand even torture method and has gained resistance to lots of poisons and toxins and deseases and has gained the ability to make them in his body due to this training and was used as a mercenary
