The Day when Placoderms flew

At some point, however, some placoderms began to forage on land. first they hawked on terrestrial insects, then they began to land.

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Windchaser - Acceptance

_sha'talor, a fairly peaceful land was brought into the chaos of war.

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Tales of the Tainted: Brodec - Chapter 3-

There had always been men on these lands, a strong and proud people, his people. they had hunted the land, lived on the land, since time began. then, in great wooden ships came the outsiders.

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WIP: Intro - No name

The final land, nimieh, was a land which bore the thinkers of the current day and age. this meant that this was a more scientific country but that also meant that they were more on the lines of playing small gods.


Geography part 1

They measure wealth not in gold or silver but in land. a man of uftna will defend none but his family more then his land. land is life, it is where we live die and grow food.


Wiroch: Genesis

Drothar knows what we have and will dominate our lands to exploit them.

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (Mm - Pp)

**pride lavi** one of the three lion prides that rule over the land of gir\*, and currently the ruling pride of gir\*.


To Discover

"you know the types that come that close to land? it's the older, calmer lot. sometimes it's the more meek young just getting curious about the land species. our voyage will take us about a week out from any land." orion thought on that a moment.

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With the turning of the years

Striking feelings come to soul as the boulder starts to roll- when the blackbird strikes the land.

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