YCHtober Day 2: Fairy
He heard his wings crack many times as he spread them, like one cracking their knuckles. his newly grown tail was now as tall as he was, and it flickered slightly to the left and right. "what do you mean? i was camping out here!"
The First of Many...
Time and again, until his glasses had shattered against his face, and blood flowed freely from my knuckles, the wounds they had inflicted, and the glass that had become imbeded into my fist._ _levrane was only saved by a pair that had heard the struggle,
Part 1
He climbed in, sucking the small amount of blood that dripped from his knuckles. clawing off the panel under the steering column was the easy part, recalling what to do next wasn't so easy.
Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 19
He looked down at her hands and saw them nervously twisting the fabric of her dress; clockwise, counter clockwise, clockwise again, the tendons across her knuckles rising and falling with each twist. "kai?"
Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 9
The nails on the first two fingers of her right hand were cleanly torn off, her fur tacky with blood all the way down to the knuckles. even worse were the clumps of dirt stuck inside the wounds, fused together with the coagulated blood.
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 36
_ dorin smashed his knuckles against his forehead, trying to get rid of all these unwanted thoughts.
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 23
Hezzi looked down at his hands, almost unable to believe it himself, and sure enough, there was a dab of blood on his knuckles. not much, but it was something.
Wonderland (Wintertime Contest 2012-13)
His fingers seemed to tighten, and the fur of his knuckles stood on end. harry reached out and touched the handle, inhaling sharply as his sweaty palms touched the giant wheel.
The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter7
Somewhere along the billionth jab, i fell to my knees and just sat there fuming; my arms hurt and my knuckles were bleeding. i looked down at my bloodied paws and felt even weaker than i had before. why couldn't i be as strong as ed?
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 35
_ dorin smashed his knuckles against his forehead, trying to get rid of all these unwanted thoughts.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 37
Ander bit down on his knuckles again, not even realising he was doing the exact same thing his father used to do whenever he was upset.
Daddy's Girl
Kahnso's knuckles gained a white pallor under the fur as he gripped fast to the wheel. "don't tell your mother about this!" he cried, and flew the car into the intersection, cutting the wheel hard as he did. he mashed the brake.