Chapter 2: Creators death ©

He closes his eyes, and lets his sense of direction guide him while he thinks. why did i ever come to earth that day, why was i turned from being the most beautiful being to the most hated?

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Inferno High - Chapter 20

We met our tour guide there. now, me and alex are alike in that we don't like to show ourselves very much. we like to lay low and stay behind, but we were caught up with the guide the entire time, and stood in front of the teacher even.

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The all-too happy wolf

The goat had only one chance left, basically, she guided him to the huge barrel at the back of her house.

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NC #6: A Trade of Names

"and i would guide you, because with your name, you would be nothing but mine." that was the idea. a faerie with your real name was able to take control, do what they wanted, _live_ as you if they so wished.

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Believe - Chapter 1: The Moon

How should the moon guide her through live? it changed direction every night. "but dad?" her voice showed her annoyance about the lecture. "i know the moon is nice and howling is fun, at least for you, but how should it ever guide me?"

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Residual Spirit

There was a group of cubs being led into the room by a large cheshire cat with a monocle and green derby, presumably a teacher or guide, it would seem i was on display.

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In the end, our guiding principles, our essence, are a process of understanding, of comprehension about oneself. a discovery, if you will, simple and small. and it is just that one thing that lights up the universe.

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Believe – Chapter 7: Hunter Trap

Even though the star was guiding her she was sure that she had to find food and a den before the morning for herself.

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Seeker Origins: Chapter Fourteen

Nevertheless, she managed to guide me out in only a matter of minutes. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* as soon as we were out on the streets, i looked around to see where i was actually being held.

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Airline Food for the Soul

He nods as he grasps the control stick firmly, guiding the craft to the end of the designated runway and stopping.

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More Rules and a Plan

I've been guiding lost spirits for 100,000 years now." she said giggling. "how exactly old is this place!?" i asked in disbelief, i was talking to a 14 year old bunny demi goddess of love and guide of souls and i thought she was hot.

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Exiles of Mossflower: Chapter Three

When you encounter their ship, you are to surrender the books to them and offer your services as guide. if the beasts of redwall should deny your request, you are to make haste to my children's ship.

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