Power Fur Rangers- Episode 08
"power of the black power fur ranger." zyler shouted. "power of the pink power fur ranger." lisa shouted. "power of the blue power fur ranger." brian shouted. "power of the yellow power fur ranger." terri shouted.
Vaterland (snippet) - from The Furred Reich
"Kasha?" A wet wind blew over Hans' tent. He woke up and looked around to see that Kasha was gone. Gusts of wind were broken only by the pines. An overcast sky greeted the Landser when he stepped out of his tent and folded it up. Kasha must have been...
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 24
The blue power fur ranger asked as he used his fur staff to block another attack by the classic black power fur ranger. he kept swiftly moving from target to target and the power fur rangers were starting to feel overwhelmed.
The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Three
Arctic wolf)- white furred, bright azure eyes, characters: arron: (grey, dire wolf anthro, winged)- grey furred, grey wings, pale grey eyes, grey tail, male.
Chapter 1: The introduction
It was the third year for Robert at his new high school, he had finished year eight, and was moving on to year nine. The slightly black tinged fox straightened his school shirt, finished putting his laptop in his bag, and headed out the...
Only the beginning
His long whiskers, his grey rat fur, his long pinkish tail captivating my interest. no, stay focused robert, just answer him and then we can leave this place of discomfort. just focus on the chair robert, think of those days when life was simpler.
All the Little Things Chapter 8!
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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Fourteen
Arctic wolf)- white furred, bright azure eyes, characters: arron: (grey, dire wolf anthro, winged)- grey furred, grey wings, pale grey eyes, grey tail, male.
Friendly's New Friend - Chapter One
One day, a young fox cub rode his bike down the street. His parents didn't mind him going out on his own, just as long as he was back before suppertime. There were a few places he wasn't allowed to go... such as the building site up at the top of the...
Character bio For Taiku Altegrund
Basic Statistics Name: Taiku M. Altergrund Nickname: Tai. Ean Meaning of name: Origin of name: Japanese and German Age: 21 Sex: M Blood type: A+ Nationality: German Ethnicity: CAcation Race/Species: Eagle Antrho Sexual Orientation: Gay...
Marketh, The Bastion Of Oppression (rough)
Marketh, The Bastion Of Oppression My name is Taiku Altergrund, I am a denizen of the last great city to stand after the great war. For you to understand the world as it is now, you must first understand our history. You see, 367...
The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Seven
Arctic wolf)- white furred, bright azure eyes, characters: arron: (grey, dire wolf anthro, winged)- grey furred, grey wings, pale grey eyes, grey tail, male.