Dragon Storm: Chapter 27: Successor of the Forbidden Clan! Naraku vs. Rio!

._ _ _ _ _ dragon storm **_chapter 27: successor of the forbidden clan! naraku vs. rio!_** **_ _** **_ _** "who are you?"

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Endless Struggle: Chapter 1 SatAm fanfic

Sonic inched ever closer to the forbidden zone. sonic has only been here once, but once was all he hoped he ever needed. he stops at a fenced area, the entrance into the forbidden zone. "lazar resides in this crumby place.

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Journey of an Outcast - Part 4

"hey, that move's forbidden due to its potentially dangerous effect on the village." "was forbidden, more things have changed than you think." "you...it was you who caused the landslide...it was all your fault." "and if it was?"


The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Forty Five

This must be an act of embin, righteous retribution for daring to pierce with the forbidden moon. he clenched a fist. his gun was still holstered at his waist.

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Lord of arms- Chapter 13

But this is obviously forbidden. another way might be a bit more closer to whatever you're thinking. with that, it's possible to summon then souls of the dead. basically summoning ghosts."

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 12

Basically it's forbidden to do any repairs near the gates" cynder nodded " i am" "then why you didn't tell him about this?"

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Leafblade - Chapter 9

"he uses the forbidden arts." valaren stated simply, leaning back in his chair as he did so.

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Buddy Fight: Fighting Magic Chapter 2 Rules of the School

For years she had been forbidden from eating any sort of sweets due to her training, but to have it back was just delightful. even so she couldn't overindulge, or else she would really turn into a fat cow.

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Anon Chapter ONE

(pony investigation project) we ... go to forbidden lands and find artifacts that try to help us understand how we came to be." anon's eyes looked in shock. " they want to know about the war. . ." she thought.

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March of Progress - Rainfurrest 2013 Flash Fiction

At a safe distance from the site, at just the right place for flame to spread, the gator took a match and lit a hand-rolled cigarette, something forbidden in many areas of cattail patch. he inhaled the sweet tobacco and grinned to himself.

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The Tale of Rikama (Working Title)

An art now forbidden as a perversion against nature. we raised all of our dead back to life, my brothers. we created the necromantic art. it was not long before we disccovered our error, however. the undead wailed out their constant pain.

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Mikhail and brinsop had been friends since they were young, and both knew their friendship was forbidden; that did not stop them from being friends however. brinsop awoke and sleepily looked around the camp.

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