
The depression, the anxiety, it all fades away temporarily. all i ever feel anymore is pain, i see everyone around me happy, i envy there joy. i can't remember a time i haven't relied on the pain to help me, the sting i feel from it.

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Away from Home

I lay face down on the mattress, feeling depressed. these things happened from time to time. the instant my phone rang, i answered it, "hello?" "hey cielo," coran voice sounded through the speaker. "sorry i missed your call i was in the other room."

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we need help

we get up every morning and get dressed; long sleeves hide the scars covering our arms. we head out and meet up with friends, and we fake a smile we fake a smile, and we lie and say "I'm fine" when we really mean "stop asking, I'm tired of...

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Wrote this a few months ago, when i was going thorugh an uncharacteristic depression phase. i'm better nowadays, finally, but anyways, here's this. looking back, thinking forward, the serrated blade of the past grinds even deeper.

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She Plays (Poem)

In the morning, she plays. The bow slides across the strings of the violin, sending crisp melodies through the air. Her soul leaps into the air, dancing upon light feet. At noon, she plays. She dances with a man. She did not know him,...

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Short Stories: Why Exist? Part 4

Happiness, a thing I lacked thoroughly Sadness, a thing I felt deeply Wondering in a wanderer's path Wondering about my own wrath As I flew in the air of heavy thoughts I saw many grieves as huge spots As I viewed myself from the reflection I...

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Unfair Weather

"It's raining out." "I'm sorry to hear that. The weather is pretty nice over here." "Awesome." I try to sound happy over the phone because I don't want him to know how afraid I am of getting struck by lightning, or even worse, never finding shelter....

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Post Holiday Blues V

depression. from the sounds of things, jason had been suffering with it for a while. "how long have you felt like this?" i asked, trying to be careful not to pry too much into the _why_ of the situation. "since the end of the summer before last."

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The Suicide Message

The tides have changed and nothing has been the same the word of the day and it still stays the same depression accompanied by suicidal thoughts showing no mercy attacking both the rich and the poor looking upon the horizon i see you walking slowly

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Forget about yesterday Let it fade away Dreams do not exist, Dreams do not exist. Midday, exhausted Wake up! There's work to do, Attitude costed Can't be left askew, Unsure what isn't true Collapsing in my own arms, On lookout for the...

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A child's laughter

"A Child's Laughter" by Ephemeral\_Dreams A child's laughter echoes outside my abode Another disaster arrives inside, it bodes The pained memories, crying out for remembrance, The gained enemies, trying again to break free. Chains of my...

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Fear - Revisited

Despite the sound of this poem, i'm not a depressive person!

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