we need help

Story by Yuko_Foxx on SoFurry

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#9 of poems

just a poem

we get up every morning and get dressed; long sleeves hide the scars covering our arms. we head out and meet up with friends, and we fake a smile we fake a smile, and we lie and say "I'm fine" when we really mean "stop asking, I'm tired of lying..."

we go to bed at night and we break down and cry we scream into our pillows and we carve designs into our wrists.

1 cut for the pain, 2 more for the reason we hurt, 3 more for the memory and then another 10 to make us feel good then we get up, and get dressed and do it all over again

one day we cant hold it in any more and are so wrapped up in our pain that for the briefest of moments; we let it show threw. they ask are we alright and we try to lie and they call our bluff. say im fine again and they leave it alone we go back home and cant stop thinking of how much they seemed to care, we call and ask to meet up in a park some wehre.

when we get there and meet up, we break down and cant hold it in, we finnaly let it all out.

faking a smile is easy faking emotions takes some time faking how much you care never works out

some days get easier some days only get worse other days yuo cant tell if anythings even going down at all

when we fake a smile we are hiding the damage of a thousand hours of crying and sleepless nights. when we say we are fine we are really crying for help when we say don't worry, we really want you to worry about us and press us for info.

when you walk away we count the steps you take

dont leave us or we will feel that every one whos ever said they will stay. will leave

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