Obituary Instructions

And nothing of the things that we must have-- and which it is injustice, of the kind that crieth out for vengeance, to deny-- does any angel need. i was not so. i needed much the same as any man. a home. a place beside the hearth. a bed.

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He denies me control... the right to exist... i am his beast as he calls me. a name destined to separate this part of him, to caulk me like a vulgar monster... "but you know very well that i am not one...

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Miharra's Battle

If i am to die then all those souls denied life cannot find peace and won't be returned to the cycle."


A crocodile on your back

(i won't deny that i'm an ass man.) she wore a corset that held back massive mountains of pale flesh. her lips, now in glimmering red, had a cigarette between them. her jet black hair was tied into a tight bun.

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Humanity Lost, Primal Instinct Gained

I've known for a while, deep down, but i've always denied it. i didn't want to be, i didn't think it was normal...but as more and more of my friends that i find out are them too...maybe it's natural?

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NM #13 ~ Window

#13 of niv & mela [ summary: ] niv experiences yet more existential despair [ ~500 words ] why sleep when you can be sad and write about it characters are mine (c)~nivulus 2019 niv lay still, eyes closed and doing his best to deny consciousness.

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Proxy and Molly: Goodbye (4)

"you should believe me because...because i wasn't denying that i went out with jenna and i even told you her name which meant i wasn't keeping her a secret." i said and proxy took a long pause.

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Canvas and Melody - Chapter 6

_danny, thank you for having such a delightfully expressive face_, his shock quickly turned to pure hatred and anger, and he denied it as much as michael did.

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Family Days 33

And he couldn't deny he was getting hungry; he didn't feel like waiting for another failed meal. "no...heavens no..." ben said, unsure they would ever pick up the skillet again.

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Tacked- Part One

Many people denied it's existence, for deaths, famine, and plagues were associated with it. they believed that if they denied it existed, it would eventually disappear. weak hope.

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Destroyer Destroyer

It hurt to look into them, but john would not be denied. his will was iron. even if he was afraid, ian white died today. even if he was afraid. even if he died himself.

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New Horse In Town

A casual observer could easily have seen that clay was clearly smitten with shy young horse, but he would have blustered and denied such a thing.

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