bowrll's Birthday - Bizarre Blessings
Eventually, he flopped back down to earth, nearly as flattened and deflated as he had been when bowrll pulled him out of the hole he had made at impact.
The Dragon, the King and the Kobold (vol. 4)
He breathes at length, the anger and frustration he'd been holding onto all evening deflating from his body. "i... just don't understand why. i was only trying to help."
Zero could just barely see the beast over his cheeks, which had grown and stretched to absurd sizes and looked almost like deflated tires hanging off his face.
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 33
With blood dripping from his claw, he flipped up his eyepatch, exposing his deflated eyelid. very carefully, he lifted the loose flap of skin and stuck his finger inside, feeling the smooth, curved surface of the inside of his empty eye socket.
Almond The Dragonfly
She said deflated. "go on then, go back to your hunting." with that almond took to the air with his clear wings billowing out on either side of him. he liked to fly, even with the constant danger of the birds.
A Feathered Wit
The raven's expression is typically avian in its coldness, but you can notice his feathers starting to flatten and deflate. perhaps he's pleased? "maybe i can help? i mean... i know it must get tiresome being misunderstood, being treated like that.
A Friend in Need
For just a moment, she seemed to brighten up, like she was going to say yes in an instant and jump back in the car, but then she seemed to think about it, deflating once more to her tired state. "t-thank dex. really. but... i can't."
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Thirty Nine
He sighed, deflating. "fine. when does the next carriage for evsondale leave?" the kashni pulled out a ledger, eyed it, then said, "tomorrow at noon." "fine," kulgan said, turning on his heal and marching away. "are you going to buy a ticket, sir?"
The boy looks deflated when he hears he won't live with his mother anymore. gilorndir steps up to his regular seat then as i slowly place my head on the table and sigh, {she's going to keep being a problem}.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 27: Summer Holiday
._ deflating, the lion picked the empty bottles up and followed the panther into the kitchen. "hey, how about kevin?" "he's just pretending to sleep.
Waking Up
Biceps that could have been mistaken for kegs, forearms that looked like deflated medicine balls, and paws that looked to be more fattened palm than sausage-like fingers...
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 19: Gathering
Embryo's heart deflated. if only that wasn't the only thing there was to like about her. if only it wasn't because her sole purpose was to lay eggs.