Two Worlds Collide - Chapter 4 - Cordite and Copper
The sharp sting of the hot copper jacketed round sizzling through my left calf threw me to the ground. i instinctually twisted, using my armored body to shield the girl from the fall and the rounds peppering the air around us.
Where I Was
I bend down to scratch my calf, where the vibrations tickle some of my fur. "it's nothing serious," she says reassuringly, "it's my husband's birthday next week and i haven't found a gift for him yet."
Natural Habitat Interviews 3: Sheila
The calf bones are long as well, although not so much on me, proportionally, as on actual giant reds.
Nala's Venture: A Game of Questions
She'd left none of the vital organs, hollowing out the young calf and then eaten an entire haunch on top of that. she felt bloated and sleepy afterwards, but in an exceedingly good way.
Zootopia: ZCOPS Sea Knights
Officer wilson: (to camera) the air girdle will hold his broken hip still and keep pressure around his mid and calf just in case we have internal bleeding. we still have a pulse and he's at least breathing shallow.
Novel Chapter 1
The strong, silent farm widow who knew every trick in the book, and could teach you how to wrangle a calf in; alongside the gentle, soft spoken young woman who would keep me safe and hold me in her arms.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 8
They grabbed hold of her calf and slowly moved it up and down. _i should grab her, twist her neck, do it right now, while her attention is focussed elsewhere._ but where was ander?
Strange Times, Ch. 3-Passage
Arron looked the new comer over and saw the bandage around his left calf. he then remembered that the canine had come on board with the other injured. he was about to say something when the ship rocked violently.
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 40: Travels
Margaret soothed her fretting little calf. the poor little one must be so stressed, and the mother didn't look much better. dianna cried, soothed by her mother, erin. a second explosion blew. "let's go, furs!" mcstanz called in a low voice.
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 57
_ james leapt forward and grabbed banno by the leg, wrapping his arms around the brute's calf muscle. "hey! let go!" "what are you waiting for!?" james was hoarse from all the shouting, and yet they still wouldn't listen! "ruuun!
Super Effective
One mile swelled into two as his head lowered down to stare a gigantic eye into the windows of the tallest skyscraper in town; now so tiny relative to the monstrous pokémon that it wouldn't have even come up to his calf were he to stand up fully.
The Search for Ka'Le (11/15)
Zen twisted his arm and stabbed the sharpened wood deep into the alpha's calf, causing him to howl in pain and back off enough for zen to stand up.