The Purple Dragon's Meal (Vore story)

It was a peaceful day and a certain purple dragon was getting very very hungry. He thought to himself "I wonder what's on the menu today?" He stretches his wings and took to the sky. He notice a pink little anthro bunny, it looks rather sweet...

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The Forgotten Story - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - My Boring Life Have you ever had that feeling that life isn't how you thought it'd turn out? Like... every day you're entering a maze and trying to reach the end. Only, you keep taking the same paths because if you choose anything...

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Unplanned Adventures Part 6 - Uncomfortable Generations

[\_adventures\_to\_date\_by\_chiscringle-d31xu59.pdf]( chapter 1: easter bunnies  

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Tail Pipe-CH1 incomplete

It was late at night, a slight drizzle of rain coated the road the whole way down. The gentle hum of an idling engine faint as a crack of lightning and thunder streaked and echoed across the sky. She sat inside the vehicle gripping the steering wheel...

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Monkey's Beach Bunny Betty pt 1: b-ball bites!

Monkey's Beach Bunny Betty pt 1: b-ball bites! By Drunken Monkey ok first off this is my 1st story so plz don't bug me so much. next, if u are a cub, chimp, kit, kitten, or a baby whale, plz leave the comp. now if u don't like monkeys and/or...

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Journey into Briar (Ch.1)

Author's Note: This is my first attempt as any story that I've bothered submitting, and it's turning out to be more of a beast than I bargained for. I'm sure there's some writing or grammatical errors, feel free to overlook those. What I had...

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Lièvre Eilyen Noir's Story

Many years ago a dragon and a floppy eared rabbit fell in love. Then as now, relationships between two completely different species were looked down upon. Their love for each other overcame there differences, the rabbit was a small female rabbit with...

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The Tail of Thorns - Prelude (Rewrite of Mixed Tale - Violence)

The call rang out loudly from the crow's nest. "Two ships spotted! Both flyin' the colors of the Kaokuro Empire!" As word of the sighting spread quickly across the ship, the deck began to teem with the sailors on board. Escorted by two warships, the...

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Dinner and Catharsis

The two boys reached the bottom of the stair sand mike peeked into the kitchen. Danny was placing a plate on the table along with the other two. The wolf sniffed a couple of times and let out a soft murr. The food smelled good! He walked in and took a...

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Alice II

Alice II[/b] -"Saiba que este é Meu último pedido. Estou desesperada, sigo meus instintos. Não me resta muito, tempo a favor, E antes de ir embora, seguir o meu caminho, Quero te olhar um pouco e sonhar que o destino É junto a ti, amor. Fica um...

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It had been a couple of weeks now, and Shy the spotted hyena was quite comfortable during her month as a girl. She was a little taller and broader this way, with short hair and cute glasses and an oversized T-shirt advertising a fictional coffee brand,...

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 21

Kitten shook as tears ran down her furr, her hands on her aching belly. Teffy wasn't much better as they both laughed, the healthy belly laugh that gives one a natural high. They were in the movie theater watching a new comedy that they had agreed...

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