Monkey's Beach Bunny Betty pt 1: b-ball bites!
Monkey's Beach Bunny Betty pt 1: b-ball bites! By Drunken Monkey
ok first off this is my 1st story so plz don't bug me so much.
next, if u are a cub, chimp, kit, kitten, or a baby whale, plz leave the comp. now
if u don't like monkeys and/or any of the charaters, leave the comp now.
other than that, enjoy. :)
One day in Leon's home state, the weather was really hot, even gina the catgirl next door was going down to her black bikini top w/ shorts, even though she was in the shade watching his brother being borred. So i had an idea, and decited to go to the beach. since they say that anywhere in florida, a beach is no less than 60 miles away. So i got my clothes, hulk towel, lotion, sunglasses, extra clothes and shorts, even my portable blender w/ some bananas and juice. Also, i brought my bike just in case. I put all the stuff inside my car and close the trunk door.
"Hey leon, are you going to the beach?" said ben the catboy "yea." "Can i come?" he said.
"Sorry. Not this time." isaid
"Awwwwwwwww....... but it's hot out!" ben said.
it was really hot out and he was so bored. i knew there was a party down the street and i had an idea.
"how about you go to that pool party over there? here i walk u there." and i did. i walked down there with ben and i saw the mother who was friends w/ my mother.
"hey leon. how's it goin?" megan said. megan was a hot milf. Not just any hot milf, a hot Whale milf. she was wearing a bikini but it looks like the top might pop off of her boobs and her big butt makes the bottoms looked like it was a thong.
"Good." i said.
"And Hello! Who this little one?" megan said. ben put his hand out.
"Hi ms. whale, i'm ben. what's your name?"
"Call me meg and i don't accept handshakes," Ben looks down in dissapointment.
"I accept hugs instead!" Meg pickup ben and huged her arms around ham and his face in her bosoms.
Ben was smileing happily. she put ben down.
"the other toddelers are in the pool in the backyard. Why don't you join them?" Ben ran off to the backyard. he had a experence there but that's another story.
"You won't mind takeing care of him while i'm gone would you?"
"No problem. it would be lots of fun for him" she said.
"ok, take care" so i then left. when i came back, gina was at my car.
"Oh thank you leon. you don't know how long my mom has bugged me to get him to stop being bored." she said. i laughed.
"No problem he's like a little brother to me. well i'll see you later." i gone into my car and drove off.
A few minuests later i was in traffic at the interstate w/ cars and constant honking.
"Great. traffic already? God dang it." But then there was a red convertable w/ the radio on, right at the side of me, a blue bunny. She was wearing a white bikini w/ loop earrings and black sunglasses on her forhead. she was putting on her lipstick and she had lushious lips. she was a c cup but it was like big kind of c cups.
"ok, maybe i can be ok w/ traffic this time." i thought. "Hey, wats up?" she turned down her radio and looked at me.
"wats up, monk?" she said in a cute voice.
"are you going to the beach too?" i asked. "why did i ask that? Of course she is!" i thinked.
"Yea. I know a shortcut, u can follow me. what's ur name?"
"Leon. Likewise?"
she gotten off at the next exit and i followed. she parked at a opened spot next to here. i was about to parked into the opend spot until... SCREECH!
"U SNOOSE U LOSE, MONKEY BOY!" said the driver in the jeep.
i was angry but i decited to keep my cool.
"You A-hole! You shouldn't do that, Paul!" betty said.
Paul came outta the car. He was a pokemorth, a pikachu pokemorth. he was wearing a red hat backwards, a black tank top and blue b-ball shorts and shoes and the ball in his hand.
"SHUT UP!!!!! Hey monkey boy, where did u get that hybrid from? a plant?" paul said.
"Where did u get that hat from? Ash Catchem?" Betty laughed.
"Grrrrrr.... Banana Eater!" paul said.
"battery charger!" i said. betty laughed even more.
"ok that's it! B-ball, Half court. Make it take it. 1st one to get most in 2 mins. win!" he throws me the ball.
"ok. fine." i said, putting on my head and wrist bands.
"Leon, are you sure you wanna do this? he played 50 games and never lost and never played fair. EVER!" betty said.
"Just trust me" i said.
"My court, i get ball 1st"
he tried to shock me from far away, but i dogged it. i throw it right at paul's nuts.i grab the ball and easily shot a 3 pointer.
"AH! You..." he gets up. "ok..."
he tries to take it. i moved it away from him, dribbled it behind my back and shoot it w/ my tail, and made a 3 pointer. 100 secs on the clock, or time watch for this matter.
"ok, no more playing fair!"
"you wasn't playing fair in the 1st place."i said.
he shocked me into the stomach and knock the ball out of my hands. he dunked it in. next thing, he steped on my foot and pushed me down and did a lay up.
"Come on Leon! Get up!" betty said. only 20 secs int the game, it was tied 6 to 6 and i showed no mercy and so didn't he. i ally oop dunk and shot a few 3 pointers. 1st it was one person come to watch, then two, then after a while, the whole beach was watching. some cherred for paul, some cheered for me.
Later, it was was 31 to 32 and only 10 secs on the clock. Paul got the ball. then he tried to shoot, but he missed! i picked up the ball from the beach i ran up to paul jumped up from the three point line, and stepped on his shoulders and dunked it. paul fell to the ground. i gottend down from the hoop. there was silence. then there was appulding and screaming. i held out my hand to him and he gottend up himself instead.
"I'll get my revenge, monkeyboy!" he went back to his car and drove away.
"let's go party at at the beach house!" someone said.
To be continued... and now a saying from the author!
hello fellow furs! this is leon, aka drurken monkey speaking. if u like to draw some of my charaters, i would gladly give you permition if you ask first. i love seeing ppl draw ther favorite furs! wheather it a lizard to a lion, i love the drawings of them.
if i see a drawing of one of my charaters, i will feature your artwork link, and a special shout out and put it in my favs. also i haven't seen any of my kind around. even just a monkey in a tree would be kool. :(
also, i need a avatar, so if you can help me w/ that i would be delighted. ^_^ also i know there is no yiff in this one but i promise i will put yiff in the story! a starting writer,
- Drurken monkey
(P.S.: plz leave comments and ratings.)