Prologue & Foreword

She turned a curve and found her first real sign of danger; bones, polished clean by scavengers and bleached by the sun, lay in a haphazard pile near the corner.

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An goddess

I am familiar with this place, structures of white, bleached stone, roman in architecture and dotted with statues of public figures, gaudily cast in bronze, of which i can only assume they worship.

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"The Thin Line," Part K

Bagoum's officer lieutenant banks made an appearance - i gathered he'd been out on maneuvers, and certainly his otter's fur seemed quite bleached by the sun.

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001 Sythkyllya

He bounds from low dune to low dune, across fine wind-driven ripples and shallow sand, past bleached and sparse dry bush that should not survive amidst the heat shimmers.

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Sixes Wild: A Quick Buck

They call it that because the stones in the rapids are white and round as bleached skulls. it's fast, wide, and deep. i slip off the horse, douse my lantern, and pick my way quietly through the boulders and scrub brush.

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 3.5 - Interlude 1

We went further inside, the air heavy with bleach and paint thinner and a million other smells. i instinctively followed the scent of blood through the plywood halls, eve close behind me. we approached a set of back rooms.

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Odd Coutermeasures -- Chapter 4 -- Part One -- {Resolve}

Anyone who's watched bleach should get a little nostalgia from this "exercise." "what's the big idea?!" jason erupted in anger, shoving the male backwards as he gave raiki a comedic rant. "he was my senpai!

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The Brink: The day of opening.

Time and nature's cleanup crew had sloughed and dessicated away all flesh and the sun had bleached the exposed upper right arm bones to a near polished white. near to it was a small bag and a long black weapon. "shotgun!" marduk instinctivly thought .

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Freebird:Childhood: Chapter 3: New beggining..

But her dna has been changed and the only way to hide the red would be to bleach and dye it." ann shrugged and continue to clutch becky as if she was a life vest and ann had just slipped off a platform to the planet bellow.

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter3

Encircling the prepubescent boy's head was the traditional adornment of the marowak clan, a large skull, modified and hollowed out by one of his clan's tribal craftsman into a type of ceremonial mask; its bleached white surface reflecting like finely polished

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Outside Looking In- Chapter One- Kyle's secret

His jeans looked as if they had been bleached completely white and he wore pink colored sneakers. he walked flamboyantly as if dancing like he was part of a musical.

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A Place at the End of the World

Its monolithic towers become tiny spikes, while around it the whites, grey and blacks of the surrounding structures continued to reveal themselves like bleached coral.

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