World in Conflict ch6 : Ambush

Tank commander 1: bullshit thats high velocity! tank commander 2: i got eyes on it it's at a 10 o' clock! tank commander 1: alright lets teach these dogs how to fight! load he round and fire at will!

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the assassins' stories. chaptrr1: plans change....

#1 of assassins' stories season 1 sorry guys this is a work in progress chapter 1 "the enemys were lining their cannons at us...

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G'lek's Encyclopedia: The Aneen

From the head down: antenna: the antenna of an aneen are usually about 1 foot to 1 1/2 feet long, though they typically hang down just above the individual's eyes, reducing their length to about half of their full length.

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Alchemist's Letter #1

The list: 3 bundles sableleaf 1 pouch favel gum powder 3 crystal vials 5 bundles redgrass 1 whole cervac root 1 pouch each of olivine, garnet, & beryl-tektite stones 1 vial fellwood sap 12 rockbird eyes 5 dried blacktail lizards 5 spiderlok roots

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Candy Dreams Part 1

Format: 1. i write the introduction and start of the story2. i post part 1 of the story.3. receive comments on the story about what should happen next4. write part 2 of the story based on the comments5. post a combined parts 1 and 26.

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Subject #5: part 1

January 31, 2002 1200 hours, head scientist \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* subject 1&2 subject 1 is doing just fine.

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Chapter 1: My life with Skye

"just 1 more battle." i thought to my-slef. "1 more battle, then she will finally be at level 100!" i was at the peak of excitment. i was at my limit waiting from the sign on my pokemon from 'lv.99' to 'lv.100'.

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Brace for Impact

He covered me for the pin, the referee counted, "1 . . .2 . . ." i hooked his arm with mine and got his other arm with my leg as i quickly turned over, putting his shoulders down on the mat, "1 . . .2 . . . 3!"

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The fittest

#1 of adventure, minecraft, i 'twas bored... don't make fun of me the fittest, chapter ,1, a new friendship... now, before we start... i just want you to know, this has no connections to any real people... this is just a story...from my brain...


Adventures of K'Jaar 2

#1 of k'jaars folder this has also had a first part. soo this one is second. hope you like it! **adventures of** **k'jaar** **ii** **charpet 1.** **home sweet home.** **by:marin bogeši?

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Alpha and omega, Kate and Humphrey love story. Intro.

#1 of kate,humphrey i know it's short, but i didn't have time to do more, so here's a little intro. i'll have part 1 in 1 or 2 weeks, so see ya later. and leave a review or something lol. it was a beautiful day in, jasper park.


An ass-whoop'in to remember CH2.

Right then gave him a rock bottom "1...2...," austin kicked out the rock looked surprised the rock bounced off the ropes and hit austin with the peoples elbow "1...2...3...," "ding,ding,ding...," the rock grabbed the wwf title and climbed out of the ring

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