My Life as a Dragon Slave: Book 2 Chapter 7
We will never stop. we will be the universe's cancer, the ultimate weapon of destruction. more powerful than a dying star, and more fearful than time's end. why is this, explained to you? you are our hope.
A Tale Of Two Worlds - Chapter 7 ...Secrets?
'thats just like you riccy, never stopping to find out who someone is' she used her pet name for her brother as she was in a dream like mood.
Immortal, Chapter 6 - Nameless
"train me...if andreas kills me, i can never stop the hunters, and if i can't stop them i will be banished to a worse fate than death," he spoke. neptune smirked and raised his trident kicking off the ground. suddenly their blades met.
No Popcorn for the Movie
Over the next two years, i learned that kevin was a manipulative and egotistical maniac--he never stopped abusing me.
A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 14 -A Fiery Interlude-
He is getting worse and worse....he keeps complaining that the burning never stops now....and we are getting worried..... maybe raiken had more up his sleeve than we think?
Chapter 1:Hunted
You all never stop amazing me." jessica ran and hid behind her mom who looks just like her, only bigger and more mature. her mom bends down and gives her a few reassuring licks.
My Story - Chapter 2
"bullshit, they've never stopped either of ya before, so why now? can i at least have a bunker buster or 2, to level the playing field a little?"
My Story - Chapter 1
I will never stop, i will never surrender, and i will kill anyone who gets in my way. my soldiers call me "the berserker", and my commanders call me "the avenger". i feel that i'm chaos, death, and destruction fursonified.
Sydney Alone
Sydney sobbed, "it never stops..." "what doesn't stop?" injy asked, "can i come in?" sydney didn't answer. it didn't stop injy anyway, who carefully opened the door. "do you want to talk about what it was?"
Wreckage: Pawradisio Entry
I became more content to pity myself then help others but god gave me the strength to get through and i never stopped trying to serve him.
The prince and the pauper -a furry tale
You are the best dad in the world and i understand even if you sometimes work a lot and spend little time with me - i could never stop loving and thanking you enough for taking me from the streets into your home.
A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 2
There was always something that needed to be done, and the bustle of the fleet never stopped.