Law of the Pack, Part II
As the females walked down to the river, the younger of the two matts whistled at them, and made a comment. the older matt, who was sitting close by, nipped at the former's ear, putting him back in his place.
Jet: His (short) history
At one of the few times everyone was together, we met marcos long-lost younger brother, mark and took care of him. again, there was peace. however, the destruction of peace followed it.
A werewolf guide: biology Part 1
The theory of them just getting used to the pain was disproven when the younger section of natural werewolves did not report any pain while transforming.
Kitten Magic, Fox Magic
He started to get even younger. he looked at himself in surprise as he realized what was happening, then at cody who was responsible for the spell. then, zeelo laughed as he grew younger and younger. "that was a good play!"
Clown Mare 4
It reminds me of my younger years when i had to do it with the other side of the family. a dark room with a spotlight that seems to be very traditional back in the day.
The Fox and the Berries and the Mushrooms
He'd eaten a quite stomach-ruining berry once when he was younger and was put out for a week, so he distrusted them somewhat.
Ring Bond Chapter 1
He could remember many nights when he was younger, he'd wake up to her crying because another of her eggs was taken while she slept. she may have only been sixteen in human years, but in dragon years she was passing 88.
Werewolf Baes 003 - Morning Memories
Having just turned 21 at the time, olivia had still found herself intimidated at first by the younger woman when she sat down to join the game.
Banana Pancakes (Summer Adventure 2014)
The younger lizard looked at her. she looked concerned. "i also want you to know that you can say anything you want. just to get it off your chest." the younger lizard gulped and looked at the pair of hands holding each other.
The Summoner - Chapter 1
"right" nodded the younger, and followed behind him. "no, wait!" i cried. but they were already fighting the current as they focused on a freezing spell.
Korongo: The Beginnings - Chapter One: A Plump Stranger
Bua walked over and playfully batted the younger lioness head. 'listen to my mother, she is still your queen on your day off you know.' 'hey!' she responded. 'i just got comfortable. i'll move into the shade later.'
Behind Locked Doors | Part 4
I heard the panther call out from behind me, "does he have a younger brother? about two years younger?" i stopped in my tracks when i heard this. how could he have known that? i didn't turn around immediately.