My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 20

And, how can i find an 18-year-old japanese guy, who is also wandering around. well, i lost sight of shin and there's still time to do some other things around before musikus' performance.

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Indigo Nights- Chapter 4: Oblivion

The music creeps its way throughout the manor as every remaining member of the zenith wander like satellites through empty space vast enough to contain their immeasurable pain and confusion.

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Burdens - Chapter 101: Prepare

He had wandered about the house and found that it was empty. his parents were starting to plan their ventures based on his own schedule, but they had left food behind in case they got hungry. his goal, however, was not food.

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Dark's History: The Story

"soon i found myself wandering, i felt a pull towards some place, and some strange force guided me to a holy place among dragon kind, the dragon graveyard.

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Silver Stream Memory 22

Others wandered around aimlessly. otherse conversed while a small few set out to actually leaving and an even smaller few go about to doing just that. i chuckled and god smiled as everyone did what they did in reaction.

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Five

"i don't know," said cloud, but he wandered parallel with the vendor stalls, examining each one. although there were more stalls in the sand pit, cloud was aimlessly wandering away from them. "what does one do at the infamous amor games?"

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Korongo: The Beginnings - Chapters 1-3 Rewrite

She would have absentmindedly walked into the path of a wandering water buffalo if utani had not pushed her out of the way. 'what is with you?' 'what?' utani tutted. 'this is not like you.

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After earning a few more kicks and a swat or two from vendors that he wandered too close to, theo found himself around the merchant wagons that arrived that day.

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Burdens - Chapter 90: Candlelight

Chapter 90: candlelight the two of them wandered about the mall for the rest of the time they had spent there.

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Burdens - Chapter 106: Grating

He wandered up the stairs, back to his room where he figured he would go back to sleep. maybe, he thought, this was the dream, and perhaps he was still asleep. there was the light in his room, brightly shining.

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The Dark Warrior: An Attack

However, the combination of sinew, muscle and fur of my body as i wander through this desert, not quite sure how i arrived here, or where i might be going, leaves me much time to contemplate such philosophical ideals.

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Village Life

He wanders over to the lake and peels away his tunic before sliding into the cool water. sighing softly he sinks into the water churring softly as he relaxes wiggling and leaning against the shore.

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