Burdens - Chapter 90: Candlelight

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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#90 of Burdens

Wow. So romance.

Chapter 90: Candlelight

The two of them wandered about the mall for the rest of the time they had spent there. The puppies were a good distraction, and indeed took up an hour, but even they would have had to have left at some point, though Roger could hardly see reason to do so, since they were enjoying themselves.

They browsed games in the store, books and movies, and eventually began to browse clothes, having run low on things to do. Dinner was all that he waited for, and it was still too early to head there.

He had chosen a restaurant away from the mall, since that was what they had often done was head there. It was a place that Hunter had not been to as of yet, at least not with the fox. Its prices were a little on the higher end than what they were used to, but Roger had been saving up. The way he had planned it, even if he had ordered two of the most expensive thing, he would still be fairly comfortable with paying the bill.

There was a large fountain in the middle of the mall that they had previously missed in their many ventures. It was not so much that it had magically eluded them as it was just they had never wandered about aimlessly before in this area.

It was too wet for them to sit on the edge of it, so they stood, looking at the statue. It was a playful figure of an otter, firing water out of its mouth into a hoop, held by another otter. It did not have any specific ties to the area or any real, special meaning, but the plaque placed on the ground told them that it had been donated to the mall upon its construction.

It was a nice break to just stand there instead of moving about, even if it was just to look at a fountain. It was enough that it was time to head to dinner, albeit a little early.

Roger confirmed upon arrival that the wolf had not heard of the restaurant before, and as such, that he had never been there before. He made it known to the employee that he had arrived and she acknowledged his reservation. A few minutes and they headed to their table.

It was a fairly nice restaurant, especially considering the price it charged for its food. It was definitely of a higher class than the burger joint they had been to before, and the two of them felt somewhat underdressed.

The tables had the usual white tablecloth covering them, along with what seemed to be higher classed condiments off to the side, as well as a wine menu and a couple of wine classes already provided. Between them was a clear vase with a single rose in it, somewhat aged, possibly from a couple days ago. There was a candle near it, the flame still going strong.

He watched the wolf look around at all the different things that he had never seen. It was as if he were but a child in a new place, everything filled him with awe and wonderment, and at the same time he looked as if he felt he might not have belonged. Roger assured him that all was well.

A smartly dressed mongoose greeted them with a smile, an arm behind his back, the other with a towel draped over it. His smile, as Roger knew, was intentional, and even mandatory, but it seemed fairly genuine. Probably a trick of the trade, he thought.

They smiled back at him and he asked if they wanted any appetizers to start out with, anything to drink, the usual thing to start a meal. Hunter looked at Roger, almost as if he was seeking permission from the fox, and in return a nod was given.

An appetizer had been chosen, drinks had been selected, and the waiter left. Across the fire the fox looked at Hunter and smiled warmly.

"I hope you're enjoying yourself?" the fox asked.

Hunter nodded and the fox could swear he saw the wolf's tail wave behind him, though from the angle he sat in, it was difficult to truly tell.

They peered through the menus and he saw that the wolf noticed the prices almost immediately. There was a certain anxiety that spread across his face, and his ears even folded when they glanced across what they had just ordered. Roger told him it was fine, though.

"Order whatever you want," the fox said. "It's more important you enjoy what you get than the price. Just ignore that part."

The wolf nodded slowly, and then went back to looking through the menu. His eyes paused on several things, and he gulped visibly enough that Roger noticed.

The fox had already selected what he wanted, he just waited for the wolf to follow suit.

The waiter returned with a loaf of bread, a knife next to it, and a small dish with oil and different spices in it. He also brought the appetizer and drinks, and then asked if they were ready.

Hunter hesitated until Roger urged him to go forth with what he had decided upon. To the fox's relief, it was a sensibly priced item.

It took almost half an hour for the food to arrive, and in the time they had begun to speak of different things, mostly commenting on the restaurant, the absurdity of their presence in it, and then moving onto different things about school and life.

The wolf had begun to become acquainted with more and more classmates, them having noticed his progress had begun to open up to him, and him becoming more positive, had opened up to them. Roger's friendships and acquaintances however had stagnated, just as it always had been, though these days he had been much more positive.

Roger often felt his face flush and he would have to avert his gaze when the wolf would be caught in just the right light that reminded him of just how attracted he was to him. Sometimes he would come across as strong, handsome figure he had come to know, and yet in the same light he would give off the glow of a cute innocence that hid beneath. A smile, a stare, sometimes a folded ear and soft laugh; it made Roger fall in love with him over and over again.

They ate their dinner slowly, enjoying each other's company, just like they had for lunch. They spoke of it idly, but it was mostly the wolf talking.

The lighting was dim, and the candle did not add much, but Roger was sure that even in the glaring sunlight, or even with floodlights shining upon them, the way he saw the wolf now, he would outshine them all.