After Life
- nope, i volunteered. while it might be possible to become a retriever by order, it's extremely rare since becoming one requires absolute commitment to the duty. - then, what i might become if i won't get to a next life right away?
Conjuring Comfort
Bonnebelle volunteered. immediately, there was a chorus of nos and a round of head shakes. "no way are we lettin' a lady sleep on the floor." dan said.
History of the Hybrid.
They sent along a hundred human volunteers with each ship, to oversee the journey, landing, and initial colonization. embarkation day was a huge success; there were representatives from every nation on earth there to wish the wayfarer's well.
The Best, Worst Show
Now, without further ado, let's applaud our volunteer, tippy the great! - the hamster yelled, while the reflector's lights pointed at hazelnut, so everyone could see him. he didn't even bother with learning his name.
Do it for Her
But above all, there were the times she volunteered. the way her eyes shined as she helped others, the spring that came to her step when she talked about it, it was enough to make my heart soar.
Bear in a Box
Freedom from the circus came when he volunteered as part of a research project for a cure to his so-called "disease" or "anomaly." despite the offense, he was glad there was someone in the world that cared about him.
The dragon from the jungle CH2
It was certainly questionable, volunteering to be swallowed by a dragon and subsequently processed by its stomach was certain death, but the idea did not go away.
Artem the Feral Wolf Chap 2
A month ago he actually volunteered to be the 'victim' in a first aid class. his normal assistant couldn't make it, and rikki was glad that his son asked if could help him out.
Zombie Apocalypse
"very well" higgins stood up and related reds' plan to the others and asked for volunteers. most of the furs seemed to cower when higgins looked at them, and red figured some of them were probably still in shock.
Fallen Angels, Part Nine - Sing me a Song, Dead Girl
"all volunteers, generously donated by section sixteen." "like the soldiers who went berserk two nights ago?" crane sighed. "a regrettable necessity. how else could i test the working dosage, in a time when we're not at war with anyone?"
Kage's Camping Trip
Shara heard the rules of the game and immediately volunteered to be the first one steered through the 'minefield' by her friend julie.
Civic Duties - Part 2
volunteers were ferrying them out to the various groups, and always pausing to talk. most of them had tablets that they were taking down notes on.