Journey to another world pt3 ch96
"your really going to have your pokemon attack an unarmed person? that's criminal." i stated as my eyes finally settled on a bucket and mop in the corner of the room.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 39: Civil War in Fur Dreams City, Blood-Tail Vs. Shadow!
She looked to be unarmed and wore causal cloths; a short sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans. she looked to be meditating to gather back her strength. "what happened?" kazeron asked. " i don't know... i can't remember..."
Sypher Islnad: Gods Blade Chapter 2: Whispers and Angels
Zano felt a sudden shift and shot his unarmed hand past his ear to stop a hook from dukka, only to take a knee to the gut. zano crumpled like a paper bag, falling to his knees.
The Patchwork Soldier part IV (revised)
Yet it stayed an "unarmed" green. i pressed it again. still nothing. a little worried, i pressed it yet again.
The Patchwork Soldier part IV
Yet it stayed an "unarmed" green. i pressed it again. still nothing. a little worried, i pressed it yet again.
Unstable Future - Chapter 14
He was unarmed, but he was close to the same size that the colonel was, making him the largest individual in this room at the moment. when you are close to 500-feet tall you are your own weapon.
Subjugation, Ch 6
An unarmed falashai stood at the side of a table in the room. he held a comm unit in his hand up to his big ear, a look of panic on his face as he stared at herik.
A Journey Begun - Chapter 12 - Catch Him With His Pants Down
The whole circus seemed to be under the finger of a man in the center, seemingly unarmed, dressed in a long fur coat and jeans.
A Journey Begun - Chapter 6 - Getting A Little Too Loud
From where i stood i could see the fates of those unarmed civilians caught in the crossfire that weren't also dead; zip tied and on the floor, shaken but alive.
Darkness and Starlight 7 - Open For Business
Trying to block an opponent with sticks while unarmed was a painful chore for the raptor. it was even more hard for a raptor unused to disarming a foe with such speed.
Love in the Time of Chorrol 5 - The Tower
Grinning at such new information, he thrusted and stabbed readily into the unarmed beast, which responded with strong punches that left bruising burns on his body, making the raptor cry out in pain.
All's fair... Ch. 2
I near had to restrain otto, reminding him we couldn't take them on unarmed. we stood by idly as the otter forced sheila to her hind paws "you're gonna suffer, girly, and this time...