
#1 of poetry so, yeah, i made this a while ago in dutch, and a good friend of mine asked if i could translate it for her, it is supposed to rhyme like abab. i am a wolf, here the only one of my kind.

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Some words based on my story

Alther: ian and his father think it translates from an old language to rebirth, but it simply means to change form. tinogoph: the basic name for those not human. it is the proper term used as opposed to "monster" or "animal."

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._ _in oz, all speech is universally translated in real time so people from around the globe can talk to each other._ _at present there are four million communities._ _like sports?


Ander - Afterword

Every day was an uphill battle to translate all those feelings onto the page, and many days, even most days, i had to retire from my writing desk feeling empty and spent, like i hadn't done my imagination justice, like i wasn't able to properly convey all


Path Of Paws

It is very roughly written in the style of the early translation of the poetic edda by henry adams bellows, but is ultimately my own unique style that i used on the spur of the moment.

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Behavior Unbecoming

"the universal translator is imperfect. this is written in some form of dialect. not all of the syntax is familiar.

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Rendezvous, Part Two

"without a positive translation, we can't act. protocol 37 requires either authorization from a sector commander _or_ the admiralty to respond to a message with translation accuracy coefficient of .6 or below."

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Debt | by KitsuneJey

._ _just a couple of short stories,_ _and translating a new book."_ _"you got paid?" you observe._ _"living cost now skyrockets,_ _and paychecks are not enough_ _for the bills you have ignored.

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Wienners' FACTION - English Retranslation

This is my attempt to reconfigure the english translation that wikimon provides for the digimon ghost game theme song "faction" by the band wienners into something more comprehensible as a song. poetry isn't my strong suit.

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**chapter test -- test title (bold)** this is a test to see what a page of text looks like after it's been translated from a word processing application and uploaded to this website: sofurry.

Engineering, Part 1

If you're all very good, i will translate the russian phrases, which are genuine idioms from that country. for now, perhaps you could copy/paste into google's translator to see what you might find.

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