MLP: The Griffin Wars
It would transfer power from one being to another. he lifts celestia up and placed both her hooves over his shoulders. he looked deeply into her face. "what was given i now return." he drew in a breath. "spirits of old, guide me.
A Major Calls
I was worried at first, when i learned i was being transferred to ffox's platoon.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 41: One More Night
_ _shaun: "yea but dunno about that, they say its open but looks like someones gonna be transferred here instead"_ _shaun: "wait u wanna apply?"_ that would mean he had to go home and work with shaun.
Chapter 2: Warning
'milden did a great job of getting a rat in their system,' chris thought as they transferred all of their files with one called 'project:erase\_inter.pdf'.
A Relaxing Day at Work
He forced his eyes to focus, to make sense of the numbers of the left-hand monitor so that he could type them out and transfer them to the right-hand one.
COM: Poketon High (Anthro Braixen and Vulpix TF TG)
After their most recent exam, both had been instructed they were to transfer to a new school occupied by anthro pokemon and anthro pokemon only. obviously the two boys were not pokemon and so they had been extremely confused at the transfer.
Melancholy Hearts: Chapter Four
Knute put his forearm next to the computer and waited as polly inserted a cord into his data pad and started the transfer of credits, humming very out of tune the entire time.
MoonDust, Chapter 3
The spindly struts and walkways of the luna-2 transfer station came into view. little atmospheric shuttles weren't economical for long distances, so passengers and cargo shifted into larger ones for the trip out to the moon.
Shadow Stalkers: Jinx Pt. 7
A file was being transferred through the system, but it was taking an abnormally long time to perform the data transferal that would usually take the blink of an eye. 'i got it. thank you, toche. captain out.'
Dog Eat Dog
The money will be transferred to your e-account--" "where i will summarily mask the transaction and back-infect the files, making the whole thing seem like a glitch," finished the ringtail, boredly.
Trailblazer Part 5
The skunk blinks for a moment as she begins to rub her chin "hmm, it sounds like it did transfer something to you but since you can't recall what it showed you how are you suppose to view them?"
Intro to Souless
Upon completion of training they were transferred to the 193rd company, spec-ops, code name a.e.v.o., short for animal gene evolved volunteer operatives.