Winter's Little Surprises(Prologue)
The gentle fall of snow tickles your nose. you need to discuss something with your best friend rainbow dash. twilight said she recalls seeing rainbow dash soaring high above whilst gushing over the newest daring doo novel she just finished reading.
So Help Me God
But failed miserably as he was ‘punished' with zack's paws tickling his sides. cloud erupted in a squirming ball of laughter as he tried to get away from, what he dubbed ‘zack's tickle paws'.
Sixam’s Razor, A Christmas Tail
Laughing, he ran his claws lightly against the boy's sides in an attempt to tickle him. squirming as he is tickled, he tries to keep from laughing but does it poorly.
Chapter 2- A Lover’s Embrace
"h...hey, that tickles!" nol sputters, trying his best to keep his friend from licking his nose or eyes.
Getting Ready for Church
"that tickles! your whiskers ... tickle," she said, wriggling, and turning around. her dress now on. and both of them clothed, pressing together their noses. his nose sniffed, twitched. didn't stop! her nose was less excitable.
We Don't Want You Here...
He felt the breath of something tickling his ear but he remained still, holding the firefly close to his chest. whatever tickled his ear was now in front of him. he could feel its presence move just a hair's breadth away.
Take A Dip
"alright, it seems you react properly to the stimuli of tickling for sure."
In My Time of Need - Chapter 1 (Redo)
His nails skidded against the cement giving me the opportunity to jump on top of him and begin tickling him mercilessly. he screamed and laughed at my giggle inducing ministrations. "nathan please! please no more i can't breathe!"
In My Time of Need - Chapter 1
I grabbed him and began tickling him relentlessly, ignoring his pleading cries that were shrouded by his shrill squeals. "please nathan! i can't breath!" he gasped out in between laughs.
The Most Important Part of Halloween
She puffed out her chest, the thin furs tickling into the creases of the hefty metal armor suit that garbed her small frame. "you're sure right about that!" red laughed again, rolling his eyes at the girl's thunderous confidence.
Scaling Up Affection
Keeping herself from smiling at the light tickling sensation of the brushing finger. "i've got an idea, if you'll humour me. you might like it too!
Tropical Revised - Chapter Nine
Rye attempted to pin cloud down by placing on paw on his chest near his neck but only managed in tickling the trapped otter. "don't! that tickles!"