Demonslayer chapter 2: the evil rises

Is he a threat?" the voice yells out in frustration. "yes he is a threat! i thought i took care of that little brat three weeks ago!" the voice sighs and stops yelling. "keep a close eye on him and fill me in.

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As if some lowly human could be a threat to me." jaim sighed again. this wasn't going to work out. this new whelp was far too full of himself and that would put the matriach in danger.

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Faust the Thunderer 3 - A New Contract

If you desire, i can hunt her down and make her entirely unable to fulfill her threat." the boar shook his head vigorously, "no, if dala can't carry out her threat, she'll just send someone else to do it.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty-Four

With the assistance and knowledge that the guardian engineers are providing us, we will be more than ready for any threat that comes our way again.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty-One

We're still not ready for any other threats out there, and while you negotiate peace, i will train new recruits for war." "creepers are under my control so they won't be a threat," euno promised.

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//?A Curious Sergal: Part 7.001

We have real threats that we have to deal with, such as the harvest and the oasis famine" the commander ordered, to convince himself just as much as to convince thyl.

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Grizzley Encounter

The wolf was doing much the same but in the other direction since he was still trying to make himself the most imposing threat. it was enough.

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Prologue and Chapter 1 of Book 1 - The Grandmaster of Sarthas

His eyes darted around, looking again for threats before he moved again. his traveling kimono was gone now, hidden with his blades that he would reclaim when he left this place.

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To Be Lost Again

The young deer stops in his tracks and regards me silently, his chocolate eyes sizing me up and deciding if i'm a threat. i watch him as he watches me and i'm not afraid. i'm actually thrilled to see him.

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406 Temporal Dislocation

To try and plan for fifty or sixty lifetimes out, based on a threat that may not even exist, would be foolish.

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1 - A Voice From The Other World... - Chapter VII

Puzzled and more than a little disturbed, jamie scanned around once more, confirming that there seemed to be no threat. sheathing her sword, she shook her head at the sheer oddity of the occurrence.

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Inudoshi's Life Story Part 2

Hakima frowned at him and moved over towards him" inudoshi why did you protect her... she is a threat to our kind." inudoshi growled" why is it that just because someone is stronger than us makes them a threat..?"

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