A Dragons heart
Let us now leave the storyteller. this braggart has never seen a dragon before. how could he. the only true thing about his story is that dragons only show themselves to those they deem worthy.
Sent Kobold Chapter 5: Legend's Fall
I think i might be a better storyteller than you." "you think so? maybe i should scratch behind your ears, then you won't be able to say anything at all."
A Summer Abroad
This story is set in the shared [furry basketball association](https://www.fba-wiki.net/index.php/main_page) storytelling universe. to learn more about it, visit the wiki or come find us on discord.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapters One Hundred One and One Hundred Two
The only people who ever knew me before, called me the storyteller. but i don't like that name anymore." when he reached a suitable place for mica to rest, the first gestured at the ground. "you should get comfortable." mica did no such thing.
Tribal Diplomacy
He's a shit storyteller you know? he tried his hand at being a bard at the tavern the other night. started some heretical-sounding bullshit about the first and almost got dragged into the street by a proper arvian who took exception to his words.
Episdoe 3B: The Naked Eternity
Not every planet had evolved a method of storytelling through film or, if they had, it was merely a fad before technology brought holo-novels. "sweet! thank you!
The Rising Fallen Star 4 - Kolorado
Roy folded his arms and listened intently to his new storyteller, wondering what his deal was as shybert slowly lured him in to his most eager narrative.
Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale (Complete)
"i've decided to become a storyteller in this warren. blueberry sighed and shook his head but he was glad inside of carbi's decision.