Horses and Life
How is it possible to know which will work out and which you will 'ruin'? perhaps i do know or i don't know whether or not i 'ruined' moogie, but he seems to be going well enough now.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 18
In another dimension, in his home world, the evil emperor neared the ruins of his home. his family had long since passed away and he had let the place go to ruin.
With Open Arms
The more furs that know about these ruins and their powers? the bigger the chance that something will fall into the wrong paws, and ... " her ears waggled. and she continued, " ... best to eliminate that threat now.
Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 03
They're unlike any ruins i've ever seen."
How I Found It All: Part IX
All i found was just more rubble and ruins. i could feel there was a strong amount of magicka still there. there were also 'hotspots' of sorts where the magicka was stronger than other places.
Blood on Ice - Chapter One
My appetite was gone but my hunger forced me to eat the ruined fruit, with tears in my eyes.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 3
The thing that happened in this ruins will not be forgotten, it will be a warning signal that even altruism has its darker part.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 12
He nodded " that's just stupid" cynder commented " no it isn't" " yes it is" spyro agreed with his female friend sparx sighed " dude, you are no fun" " there is no fun in ruining someone else's property" " firstly it isn't ruined, secondly i did it for
Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 5: UNC
Liara came staggering over to wrex, carrying a crate of prothean trinkets, obviously taken from the ruins. "what's wrong with shepard?" she whispered to wrex. "he's ranting again." the krogan replied.
Ancient Scriptures
The dark poison laid ruin to our beautiful home. the oceans and rivers dried out, the plains torched, and much of the forests were destroyed. aberuth had been reduced to its deathly state.
Fantasy Story Preview
It had taken every bit of their wits, skills, and newfound teamwork to get out of that ruin in one piece.
Migratory Birds - Chapter 21 - Memories
Jiddy turned her head towards the opening in the ruin and looked outside.