A Birthday poem for a friend.

It's your birthday, another year you've survived the toils of life, the stress, the pain, but also the happiness, the relief, the friendship.

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Sunrise Song

The pain stays behind, without relief. the sorrow remains, along with the joy. as we live our lives, you watch over us. as we face our fears, you lend us your courage. you blessed me with new life. shi grows up with one, when it should be 2.

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Last call for dull relief, before divine prayer; a monument to a thief, gasping for air.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Forty Three

To my relief, she didn't argue when i motioned for her to get up, and i hid her bed as well. the toy chest and dresser went next.

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Slugle Huggle

He glanced around slightly nervous at the chance of someone with the disease, but he didn't see anyone so he sighed with relief. walking through the woods, he looked around and admired some flowers.

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Star Wars/MLP Crossover (rewrite): Chapter I

Upon glimpsing the royal pony sisters he raised his hand, halting and gasping his relief, "masters luna, celestia! thank the stars you survived...we saw turbolaser fire hit the throne room, and we feared the worst!"

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Breaking the mold - preview

There was no relief to be found. his body's curls going unnoticed until the pain ebbed once more, coming back to his senses on his side, drool leaking from his open maw as he panted.

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Gaomon was sweating profusely from the heat and exhaling loudly, feeling a massive sense of relief. "whooooo!!! now that's what i'm talkin' about!!" shouted isle, before coughing violently. "i'm...i'm not even finished yet."

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A Still-Beating Heart

He exhaled in relief, and looked around with the hope he could show this to rev in the future. the thumping in his chest, though weak, kept on. it would become strong once more as he himself would continue to change.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Fourteen

I sprinted over to him and laughed with relief when i saw he was breathing. his eyes were closed, and he tossed and turned, probably having the same kind of nightmare i had just escaped from, but that was fine. he would survive that.

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Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 6

When he finally reached it and sat down, the relief on his face was palpable. judy hopped on the bench and sat next to the wolf as well. a gently blowing breeze offered more relief for the wolf. "sorry judy, but i don't think i'm cut out for exercise.

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Little Star Chapter 2

The tale of nightmare moon started one thousand and eight years ago..." \* \* \* \* \* \* luna looked on with relief at the sight of her citadel. the citadel of the stars was her haven for her precious bat-ponies.