TGBC Character sheet

He is also wise beyond his years due reading the prophecies of lallah and other prophets. he has total respect for his now uncle who rescued him and strives to stop one of the prohecies from coming true. he was a green core.


Ragnarok - XXIV

The prophecy must not be made a lie. my sword must strike the blow that slays the sulfur carrier, saves our land, and slakes my thirst for vengeance. hurry, shane. come not too late.

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Red Twilight: The Avatar Awakend chapter 1

Mac set the book he had been reading down on the desk, 'prophecy by dylan hiler', "come on walker, we are both guys on the move, we can't get tied up in stuff like secretaries."

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For Your Safety

He had doubts about any prophecy that would have come from his mouth, so maybe his voice wasn't smart. just very perceptive. wickedly perceptive. "i bet i can tell you who will die tonight." "did you... did you do..."

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sleeping dragon

Let us not prophecy about what is yet to come agreed. ready to play son nods to shy to speak out loud alright putting him in play room before saying i'll be talking to sergeant if you need me call my true name.


TLoS: Darkness Falls Chapter Two

Everyone knows of malefor's defeat and the prophecy, but no one knows exactly where the guardians hid malefor's body. his spirit has undoubtedly roamed free...but gaul will need to reach it somehow.

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Sanrose Bio (Updated with birth history)

It was there that merlin was revealed the prophecy of this child that lay sleeping in the prophets arms. that he one day shall bring peace between the dragons and the humans again.

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The Last Tale- Chapter Four

I don't know how much the humans know, but i've heard the prophecies. the great evil is coming from across the mountains, and it will take a being of two species to save us.

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Dragon of Déjà vu

He tried changing little parts of the future, but as his actions were carried out, he recalled from memories of the future him carrying out those actions like inescapable prophecy.

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Judge Zorak - Commision for JeanJackGibson

His thoughts on how a design will perform were not predictions but prophecy. he knew what the masses wanted. his taste was never outdated, always bending, flowing with the dictations of the times, aware of what had to stay and what needed to go.

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Chapter 10 - Full Pollution's Fury

I don't know if she's the prophecy child, but lady tori and the republic council will gain the most interest out of this data..._ "take this!! haaa!" ru yells. she leaps high into the air and kicks the mutant hard in his jaw.

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Spyro: Dragon of Destiny: Rising Destiny

The answer to the ancicent mystery will soon be revealed for all to see, so prepare yourselves for the coming of the chosen one,_ - **the destiny prophecy** as written by talus of the cloud dancers --------------------------------------------------

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