Rexville 15: Online Tournament Part 1
"heh, now we're making this more exciting," hunter said as the train arrived at the station, the wolves boarded it, heading back home to oasis boulevard. the tournament was held on a saturday evening.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 98: Searching For A Perfect World We Will Never Find (The Dawn Of Civilization Part V)
Was this the oasis he and the remainder of his group had been looking for? "enjoying the view?" the blond woman said walking behind the maned wolf. "romina. how is it that you can survive in such a harsh environment?"
~...|Secrets of the Chroniclers|...~ - The Crona Chronicles - --~EPISODE 1: PRELUDE TO DESTINY~-- Part 1 of 4: A Glimpse Ahead...
Stopping for the night at an oasis... **_written for me so long ago... you will be the chronicler... crona..._ (echoes)** an image of crona dreaming of her past and her mother holding her in her arms in a loving gesture and singing her to sleep.
Three Shining Gems in the Dark
And there it was, an oasis of tranquility in the middle of the city that seemed to sometimes only exist here.
Chapter 7: Lost and Found
#7 of the perpetual oasis " can't be...." anfang watched in horror as kieshou entered the encampment. she was somehow unafraid of the stranger that was sitting only a few yards away.
... Into Night (Bodies by Josh, Pt. 1)
Khadjair had found his oasis. he finally spotted the dj as he rounded an outcropping, recognizing him from upstairs before. he had darkened the mix a fair bit, keeping it uptempo and melding in tribal elements, a perfect mix for khadjair's mood.
Rexville 13: His Preference
The train arrived at oasis boulevard station, their respective homes across from each other. as they stepped out of the vehicle, another train across stopped and dropped a few passengers.
What Once Was Eden Chapter 2 Part 1 of 2
"east oasis said you two had been on the run for over a week...someone that can stay that committed while you're both alone most of the time...i hope you have a lot of respect for him.
Track and Field: Part 23 - I Will Wait
Benches were set up here and there outside around a fountain, and broad-leafed plants, trees, shrubs, and some weird salmon-colored flowers created a mini oasis for people to relax in.
Outcast - Chapter 5
I began wondering if this little oasis was a bit more than a natural occurrence.
Light Bane: Chapter 36
In her own desert oasis, she continued to hone her grappling moves, which gave her a surprising edge given her size. this also turned her into the heavy hitter, along with the primary reason why the mage was affected by her attacks.
Light Bane: Chapter 33
It was the same crest she used to purify the waters in the oasis she made into her home. the werewolf was even more surprised and quickly concluded that elyse had an irresponsible part of her. or maybe it was her way to stay out of royal business.