The Steel Bunny Chapter 2- Tempering Her Iron Soul

"i don't think anybody will come here looking for us for a while, and i needed someplace with some laboratory equipment so i can try and figure out what happened to you." "oh...thanks..."

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Seeking Answers

- - - the laboratory was easily the largest building in and around town, a rectangular concrete structure that rose a good four or five floors up.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 63

Heading into the rehabilitation ward of the laboratory, the group was greeted by several scientists as they waved, some grinning with a shine in their glasses while looking him over. "so this is the specimen... remarkable...

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Drako Tygon and The Apocalypse Queen- ch 1

"then how in the world did you get this fancy laboratory? _i_ certainly can't get all this stuff on ebay." "i came from a very old family in ireland. i used to have estates, ten of them.

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A Failed Duty - Epilogue: 1st Letter - Read me first

I never saw anyone else, but then, i never knew if the universe was larger than my father's laboratory. the best way to describe my father is to explain my flaw. my older brothers were born fully formed. they knew their purpose and they acted on it.

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Buster's Upgrade

By this time, joseph and buster had entered a spacious laboratory. it was a room that buster did not recall, but somehow knew intimately. this was the place where he and the other advanced plushpets were made!

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Guardians: Chapter one

I thought you had a laboratory or something you retreat to whenever you have a chance." alyx shook his head, "no my lab is my job when we don't have any missions, so i try to stay away from it." he looked at sain and asked, "what?

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Arcturus, Intro and Reference.

._ grown in laboratory conditions in nutrient vats, this meat is made up out of the same genetic material as cows, pigs, etc. it allows for mass production of foodstuff, which is needed to support the vast populations of the hive planets.


Slave pacification (3)

Every now and then they would cross one of the laboratories where scientists were buzzing about with their expensive equipment that only the larger corporations could afford.

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A valuable lesson: Chapter 1

I am professor sims and i will be your instructor for both the lecture and laboratory portions of this class." "oh, this is perfect. right off the rip little bunny hotness here walks in and ruins your day.

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Slave Pacification (1)

Doulos laboratories _"we had to go through a lot of trouble getting him. the state, after much persuasion, only allowed us to extract a single specimen. luckily for us this one was all by his self, we don't expect he'll be missed.

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Contest Entry: Tron Skates (Gluepaw)

As customary around here, we held a plebiscite to see which one the managers would prefer (disguising it as an innocent query, considering most of the laboratory hasn't one inkling about the plaster paws being sent out to you).

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