Star Fox Reborn Prologue
This is the highest paying job we've done in ages. i had to actually accept the job before the scientist told me what he was paying." "scientist? as in, one? i thought you said a group?" gray asked, leaning forward. "i did, kid.
Redwing - Advent's Release
"so what's the job?" she asked. "you're interested?" "you will tell me what the job is, and i'll tell you whether or not i'm interested." the lion grinned, but advent gave him nothing back. "hah. trust me, the job is simple.
Soul Makossa- Part Three
The payment from his jobs as an english tutor and as a musician in new york would pay more than his job as a canner. plus, it was actually skilled work that required effort.
Moving away Chapter 1
Yeah it is sad to think i've only had this job for only a week now with me already being in my 20's but it's hard getting a job in my area. but what ever with a job comes money and experience and with that comes the ability to move out of the damn house.
Into the Unknown-Chapter 6
"cheppard figured that would be the response and the council seems to agree with your answer about others not wanting the job. commander...this is why you are here to get the job done right.
Anyway, i almost passed on the job, till this p.i. buddy of mine tells me the pay is eight hundred grand. so, i took the job and went in my usual way." sarin intejected,"that wouldn't happen to be guns blazing and blowing shit up would it?"
Madness, Starving, Hysterical
Then her husband lost my favorite job for me. it was a wonderful job, with wonderful people, then came the covid furlough, and i never got a call back when it ended.
TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 20 aftermath
I got my job with blizzard because frost was there and he convinced his father they needed a maid" igüsa recalled as there was no job for her and frost therefore had to create one for her.
Second official character typed out charactersheet
And hobbies:blacksmith/forge smith(hobby), mechanic(job), scientists/alchemist(hobbie), ship pilot(job) and hunter of any creature(job) forms: has 4 forms for feral and anthro one for each race in his bloodline and the mixed, and has a human form as
Blue: Chapter 5
"now, dylan, i know that this may surprise you, but i've called you here today to offer you a job." "a-a job?" "yes. you would need to be trained, but i think you could learn to like it here.
A.N.Thrope Uni - Chapter 1
#1 of a.n.thrope university a new job in a new city. the dragon eurasia finally got the job he's always wanted. though he'll have to deal with the problems of being a dragon in a society where predators are disliked and feared.
Bar Jocks: Story One, Part Three
"you fucker stole my fucking job!" milhouse snarled out before leaping towards joe, claws extended. joe quickly took a few steps back, the claws missing him by inches.