Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 10

He was protected by the suit, but the mist started to form ice around him that started to immobilize him. even with his demonic strength, he felt his energy being sapped by the ice.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 5a, What's In a Name? (Pt 4)

His mother and father had kept him immobile to give it time to heal and he was forced to stay inside their hut for the duration.

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Sweet Tooth

Seeing that the lizard was too fat and immobile to do anything else, the lucario simply ignored the protests, and continued lazily devouring his 'customer'.

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Dancing with Roaches: Chapter 2

His neck was currently immobile and it would become a wasted effort. tightening its grip on dylan's shoulder, the creature spoke once more. "i do hope to see you, again."

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The Journal of Ryan Raven ch 2 the pain starts

As he lifted my immobilized body in to his lap to keep me warm, he called 911 so that i could get some help.

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Alex Skunk

The sky too, it was a blue with immobile, puffy clouds. how was i here again? i'd never been here before, and there was nothing familiar about this place. heck, there was nothing natural about it either.

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Chapter 32: Evolutions! Achieve Victorious!

Another direct hit at the head that make shogungeckomon immobilized permanently. the teams were cheer when they saw shattered data flew out of shogungeckomon. "we did it, we won!" zero yelled in joy. "yes, we did it."

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Fire From the Darkness - Chapter 1

Suddenly he felt a small gust of wind near his head, and heard a small scream of pain as a knife flew past him and hit the intruder in the leg, rendering him immobile. "nice throw," said firus.

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Un tableau, une rencontre

_ il essaye de reprendre sons sourire mais on voit bien à sa queue immobile et basse qu'il fait semblant. _- et si on parlait plutôt d'autre chose ?


The Human Species Ch.8 - Fearsome Four Mienfoo

One of the mienfoo said loudly, the four of them still remaining immobile. "you assume correctly!" lucario shouted back as he struck a battle pose of his own, "now, let's get started!" "uh..."

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A Pleasant Coming Out

I was on top of him, immobilizing his arms against the floor, like we often did when we fought, but he blushed so much when he looked at me and just freaked out. "daniel, get off me!

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act1/Chapter1

However, as i stepped into that icy room with kiev, a supposed serial killer, an immobilizing chill ran down my spine and throughout my entire body.

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