Shooting Star - Gemini
It gives castor and pollux the chance to have some fun." "have some fun?" gemini raised his eyebrow. "castor and pollux are not separate individuals, young master.
Chasing Tail
To a place where it was forbidden for his kind to wander off to but offered more fun to the teenage pups. the kelp forest.
The Demon in the dark before the Angel in the light
**chapter2: ** life in a cage: it was the same thing everyday but ocasionally she would take me outside to play for a couple minutes it was fun pretty the laboratory was in a field.
The Sirens...
"that sounds fun." he said with a smile.
ToR Summary / 'Meet the Writer!'
I've also met some really rad people, and with their permission, i'm compiling a story of some of the fun-fun times we've all had together.
Chisagi Brant Root Beer
"the fun kind." the chisagi grinned showing off his fang. "wanna help?" "well..." nait considered.
Rough beginnings
It'll be fun. now don't be gay about, jeez," nat teased cassidy constantly, but he knew it was all in good fun.
{Pokémon/Babyfur} Pikachu's Diapered Days
Doesn't that sound fun? "ooh, that does sound fun!" chase says excitedly. "weeeeee!" he bends his knees and jumps off the car, joyfully laughing once he lands into zeke's arms.
What it Means to be a Furry!?
It was very fun and i learned some things about foxes that i never knew. for instance, did you know that the norwegian name for fox is rev?
Lonely Oak Chapter 77 - Flight Of The Spelling Bee (Part 1)
Did anyone else do something fun over the break?" "i didn't!" tommy spoke, "but my brother went cliff diving." "that sounds dangerous," cathy commented. "some people like the thrill," ms. hupp answered. "i hope he had fun and was safe."
Thanksgiving Sleepover
I met sakura and pearl, and later you guys, and i've had fun these past four years." said penny wiping a tear from her eyes. "and that's my story.
Life in the Apocalypse: Prologue
fun, fun, fun..._ not that i had a problem with killing something that was once a rational, non-bloodthirsty human, it just meant using more energy. i was powerful, yes, but still only half human, and therefore still had my limits.