Like a bed of roses-
I fell in love too quickly, and made a foolish mistake." by this time everyone in the church was in tears. her father got up and left.
The 6 season war (government views)
The opp, fib, and the local trigger happy civilians made a foolish effort to try and combat the ba and their "terrorism". gunfire simply was absorbed by the enemy's armor. c4 was detonated near and on the ba forces and was counter productive.
The dog and the cuttlefish
_i am beyond your comprehension_, it spoke wordlessly, through headaches, _you are above mortals, and you lack their flesh, but bear a simulacrum, a false-flesh of light, betrays you role as an extension of their belief, their foolish attempt at deifying
Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 6
No more talk of this foolishness! i insist you stay here as long as you like, ander, or at least until your arms are healed. murderous wolves and gawking foxes be damned!" ander didn't know how to respond to this.
Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 3: An Orc's Ambition
Xellik had thought to have every last remaining zugruli tribe orc thrown into the slave pits with the korcyn, but bytej and the other shaman had advised him that such an act would be foolish on his part.
Coyote's Voice: A Fable of Creation
That may not have been wrong in any sense, but it was foolish. very foolish of me." coyote sank down onto the ground again and covered his eyes in shame. the wren fluttered past his ears, ruffling the fur. "foolish is not wrong, puppy," he buzzed.
Twisted Night: Chapter 11
Wouldn't_that_ make her look rather foolish. "don't be dense. i'm _looking_for them...aha!" he pulled back his head with a laugh, rearing onto his hinds. "just you watch."
Shattered Illusions
With a squeak the hunter landed flat on his stomach embarrassed by his foolish mistake.
Star Wars Saber Squadron promo.
In fact, just last week, he had strangled a failed imperial navy officer whose foolish tactics caused him to lose a rebel cruiser.
The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Six
[personality]: proud, high nosed, neat freak, fan of fashion and looks, well groomed, powerful, intelligent, slightly foolish. [disposition: skilled at magic and combat, major fight.
Gemini – Chapter 4: Contemplation
Clover's eyes drifted over to his comic book, power ponies, he got an idea, a foolish idea, but one he could not let go of. "hello, whoever you are inside my head, could you answer my question please?" there was no reply.
Alex, Snow and Tyrin replace Harry, Dumbledore and Voldemort in this epic scene taken from the movie and changed to be furry :D
"it was foolish of you to come here tonight tyrin, the aura's are on their way" said the husky in a calm voice, staring at the meer kat, whose right eye began to swivel in its socket wildly.