Age of Heroes Ch09 Thoughts
A mess of debris, broken foundation and items laid strewn about as firefighters fought to quell the fires inside."
Forged in Fire, Chapter 2
There was a small splash of blood from the earlier firefight near the truck across her cheek, but her expression stated that she was a trained killer. this was going on the top of the article. i could already see the title of it.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 6- Team Sharktooth
He some serious firefighting to do. while the sun's welcoming light slowly broke from the retiring darkness, guildmaster bisharp entered the ruins' horizon, along with his pawniard brigade of eight of his little pre-evolutions.
Course Corrected (Act1, Book2, Chapter18)
"the firefighters have retreated." donovan moved to the edge of the broken airframe tube. "they look panicked." "just look at this thing, will ya'?" she held the baggie through a gap in the branch that penetrated the airframe. "grab this."
Zombie apocalypse: chapter 4
He normally would never lower his weapon when threatened, but he didn't want to get into a firefight with another survivor.
War - Chapter 2 - The Storm
He knew that even when he was an adult, grown up and working as a firefighter, or a police officer, or president; he would always remember his sitter being there for him, and making him smile.
Survival of the fitest
The sound of distant firefights echoed through the area, the still quiet of the earth, they all went into his memory, analyzing and telling the dingo each little detail of the area.
Story Snippet - Welcoming Waltman
Women can be police officers, firefighters, and soldiers - and that was because we fought for it. why can't a man be a midwife - especially someone who has fought so hard to get here?
That i'd get a job as a teacher, a factory worker or a firefighter than to see the things he found in the old mines.
MoonDust, Chapter 30
Poorly fitted armor was better than none at all, but in a firefight, an awkward movement could cost a life.
Torpedo Run Chapter 12
We can't carry the guy into a firefight can we?" herrin shrugged, and patted derry's shoulder before standing again, straightening his uniform as he went. "walker pilots are high-value personnel.
Zootopia AU- Looking for a future - Chapter 1
Starters, any job that would directly allow contact with prey customers was out of their reach, including security, protection, emergency... basically, no predator could open a store that had products that could be even used by prey or work as police officer, firefighter