Colonyship - Chapter 4 - House Arrest

Yes all feline morphs can both drink like a human or lap it up like our feral counterparts. to be fair though lapping is only seen done by finicky cubs and adults or when trying something new. i would not call myself finicky, just cautious.

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Rough Start

The Lazarus Project was quite noble, invented by a man who shared the namesake. Technology had advanced to the point where you could essentially "upload" a mind into a computer, but this was only utilized in the military. Wounded soldiers who wanted to...

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shadow 6

Vincent studied the feline for a moment before taking his paw and pulling him towards a nearby bench. "come on we can sit over here and you can tell me about it."

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Cleo mini series

The feline said with a smirk. cleo looked at the husky and smiled at him and then back to the rag doll "i don't he wants to share." cleo said. i don't remember asking."

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Black Jack

The feline's captor was flung away from him, hands removed from his neck, permitted the feline to breathe once more. the white tomcat glanced at the ground, his ruby eyes spotted the fifty next to his shoed foot.

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Holocaust by klaw we all knew it would happen one day. When the world started to wither. one country picked a fight with another for better land. Then some more joined in and eventually one country threatened the rest a promise of a nuclear bombing....

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Life of a Little Killer : Chapter 1

Uhh... do you guys even read these? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Arrival I finally...

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A Change of Pace

She choked out; she and her husband didn't share the same views about feline superiority. but, she loved him regardless.

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Tree: part 3

-The following morning- Running, The forest moving, I was surrounded, I tried to scream, tried to call for help but it was too late. I awoke from this horrible dream, swallowing back some bile from the beers last night. I felt disoriented and when...

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"Haa... haa... haa... this exercise is gonna kill me." huffed Neku, out of breath from jogging up a hill with a trainer. His trainer also happened to be a childhood friend who ended up living in the same place after graduation. Neku had reflexes like...

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The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Thirteen: With A Friend Like This...

Eros began to panic and turned a corner, bumping into a male feline. both she and the male feline fell down. "i am very sorry," eros said as she got up. "it is alright," the male said. "i wasn't looking where i was going.

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Enter the Nightmare

The hands that pulled the feline across the waters seemed to grip tightly--fear often accounted for bringing them here, bringing them away from their home.

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