The Observation Effect
"this's fantastic!" major davis said grinning ear to ear, "i gotta phone the general, tell him that it works!" meanwhile, on **wednesday** , in the **first week of april 2:33 pm.
Little Wolf, Big Ordeal CH. 5 & 6
'that sounds fantastic!' 'it's a magical moment,' said hazel. 'but of course we wait until we're absolutely sure our little ones are ready. if we were to throw them out of the nest as chicks, they would fall to their deaths!'
E.U.R.O Chapter 3
Since then he'd found a comfortable carriage and was now well on his way to the port at dover, having passed the fantastic and beautiful green english countryside, the train journey was not a long one at all and it was not much further to the port when arthur
The Springs (Husky Mermaid TF/TG) [TRADE]
The water felt simply fantastic on his fur. he gave a happy flick of his tail and let out a deep breath, it felt good that was for sure! he closed his eyes and leaned back, letting the water sooth his sore body.
Bishop - Kreet 66
And what the light struck was every bit as fantastic. statues of men and women, so perfect in form and attitude that she immediately felt shame for her kobold form. paintings that appeared to be mirrors of ideal worlds beyond the subjects.
The new dinosaur (part1)
I said "i'm doing fantastic! and you?" she said "i'm good, very excited for the hatching" i said "no investors this time, just a camera" she nodded. i said "we where expecting them to hatch in two days time...
Chapter 1
He was always fascinated by those in the adventures, good or evil, who did fantastic things with the powers of science at their disposal.
Deus Ex Machina
And finally, on the other side of that river, the fantastic village of the rakshasa, with their wooden homes sprouting from the sides and branches of great, old jungle-trees like mushrooms.
Cobalt Amps Up - Commission for MeisterLi!
But how could i just _look _at something so fantastically, incredibly, mind-blowingly awesome? just imagine all the cool stuff i could do for you when i'm totally supersized!
Rebirth And Resurgence - Introduction
The interviewer was content, complacent, even, holding the microphone in place as the sailor regaled the camera - and those watching at home - with a fantastical tale.
Wish Granter
"you'll miss out on unlimited fantastic amazing show-stopping magical power!" "i'm not buying it..." conner responded. "look it's quite simple!" kickaha stood up and leaped off the wall.
Chapter 32
"what a fantastic ability! it is truly an honor to find someone this enjoyable to fight against!" the audience's ears popped as the air in the stadium rippled before dropping rapidly in pressure.