R/7 The Deep
Minora comments, "we were talking about the old world at school today... the fables and mythology that made up early history."
The Pet Shop of Doom
"these aren't exactly aesop's fables huh? princeton muttered. "well... i'm sure once i adopt you out to the right families it will all make sense." bowshi nodded sagely. "um... how?" jake demanded.
Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 2
This originated from an old fable, and we say it whenever the rain falls and the sun shines at the same time. but wait, there's more. in japan, a sunshower is often referred to as a fox wedding, or "kitsune no yomeiri".
Hunting Companion - A Story Featuring ConorHyena
"how much of your fabled mushroom-infused reindeer piss are they drinking?" he laughed, reaching out and roughly brushing and patting sakara's shoddy old hareskin loincloth.
When Tomorrow Comes Act I, Chapter 5
To their right was a massive, rocky hill, the fabled houshmar, and in the middle was flat, dusty ground pockmarked with holes that led straight into the earth. the rest of the site was disturbing.
The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 25
The smile casts a convincing fable, but her eyes are passionless and aloof. i need to know what happened. i need to or i'll go mad. standing up, i stand next to the end table and dig. the drawer produces item after item.
The Giant Bacteria: The Novelization, Part 1
Viper through the sewers and into the depths of megakat swamp's fabled and dreaded "dead forest." he didn't like it one bit. the dead forest was a nasty, muddy, slimy, revolting place and stank to high heaven.
Upon the Chaos Dark
He is also in possession of_ sanai_, one of the fabled "wailing stones" that are capable of forbidden magical feats.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:10
Once unified under the d_ü_claw clan came the merging of their language, writing, fables and other elements into more or less the roaropean wolf culture as we have come to know it.
Balance of Power Part 2: Gentleness and Curiosity
He contented himself instead with prowling the infinitely vast and complex cathedral of thought that was josh's mind, feeling like some ancient and stooped pilgrim at their fabled place of worship - for the ecstasy and pleasure of his _focus_ did have
The Pirate Cove
The sand didn't oppose any resistance, as they dug holes after holes in it, trying to find the fabled treasure she spoke about.
The Gift - Part 1
Diana lynwood was a beautiful doberman archer from the fabled city of aldris.