Left alone (kind of)
Tell me if there's any errors or something. and some constructive criticism would be nice. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the next day...
Of Magic and Fur (Part 4)
If i had a dime for every time an indent error came up, i'd have enough to fund a federal school lunch, assuming i stay within the federal budget.
Journey into Briar (Ch.1)
I'm sure there's some writing or grammatical errors, feel free to overlook those. what i had intended to be a single short story looks like it may turn into a series.
The Patchwork Soldier part VII
While the solution appeared to be about perfect, a good belter always had to consider the error rate. even in combat. "computer's giving me an error rate of about 4-5%, sir." the tac. officer replied "good enough, fire!"
An Open Heart
And lastly, i apologize for any spacing errors. i don't know why, but sometimes it spaces differently in the edit box than it shows for the actual story.
Astora part 1
Also there may be spelling errors and various errors in the story, i typed it on my ipad and the keyboard doesn't agree with me most of the time...also thanks to the lovely crystal mui for the cover art. ^^
Twisted Night: Prologue
She had made sure to flay the man for his error. for why would you get something so wrong for his dragon lord and not expect such things?
She glared down the reflection blinking dully back at her, the black spot of mascara a glaring error in the expanse of what could have been perfection.
CyberPIgeon X Script (Rough Draft)
Syntax errors filling the flashing screen. "debugging!" yelled marshall. "i'll have the next build up shortly, sir! i'll simulate the phase two integrity method." commander rae shook her head as she stepped out of the room.
Corporal Tanis' Journal, Day 2 of the Siberian Wars, "The First of Billions"
It was the second or third story i ever wrote, around four years ago, so there are errors and sentences out of place. still hope you enjoy though, and hope it satisfies until i can re-finish and post my other story. enjoy!
Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 17 of 37
"well the security footage was either missing, errored, or corrupted. it turned out that the surveillance system had been neglected for some time, now. mr.
Life and Death
Seting traps for food and learning which plant life he could eat mostly by trial and error.