The Doctors of Doom, Part Six
They heard jet engines and t-bone and razor fly past on their delta bak paks. "hey, look!" cried one of the commandos. "it's the swat kats!" viper just smirks smugly and steepled his fingers.
Day 43 8:04 AM 1/5/2023-Chapter 12-Mountian City Massacare
Will cameron, an 11 year delta force vet and his brother, 11 year old rafael, a simple suburban kid, survive the cross country journey to silverton, texas? or will they become six's latest victims?
Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 6: The Raid
Galaxy agent: is this miles of group delta? miles: 0503 galaxy agent: confirmed. miles the boss has ordered that you and your team return to base immediately.
Hard Landing
Getting up off the hay bale that they laid him on, doktor looked around and found all but one of the units, a delta force, was missing. "where's spec.-agent alyx?" the room was silent. vandal looked out the barn.
A Krystal Encounter Chapter 4: Whatever Arms Will Hold You
They ran the gamut of anthros from a swift and deadly snake creature named xin ye, to a massive armored mech character named delta mk ii.
Death of DNA Chaps.1-3
Please have specimen k-delta delivered to splicing chamber immediately." i am victor qorat. i am a scientist in the worldwide genome project. my primary field of study is canis lupis, or the grey wolf.
The Laputan Factor 02
"kovach, delta-echo-bravo niner seven niner omega."
Startide III -- Intro
Authorization code delta sierra four seven quebec. what is the life support status?"
Chapter 21: The Pass of Mandobar
"let's go, we've got to hook up with delta and head up with the convoy!"
Echoes II: Elaria Chapter Two
High level of infection detected at charlie and delta. main lab alpha is on full lock down with high concentrations of infection." kyle looked over at shepherd and nodded to him, "shall we make our way to alpha?" he asked.
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 30-Stock Destruction
"punisher 1-1,this is sargent ator kelorth requesting fire package at target delta bravo,e332jh,how copy?"
Avarin Falls, Chapter 1
Fire naturals elected to sleep in the secluded deserts, while water and stone naturals decided to live on the open deltas or in the infinitely changing mountain ranges, respectively.