The Horselords

His reasons for his terrible betrayal were not known, but what is known, is silvermane witnessed his brother commit the murder. before he could raise a cry to alert his fellow horselord's, he was felled by a blow and consciousness left him.

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Innocence of Youth

Why must we commit ourselves to such sin? not in the biblical sense but instead a sin against our own flesh, like a hot brand into our minds. we carry this mark long into the future, passing its burden from father to son and mother to daughter.

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Gateway to Hell - Prologue

(will contain violence) a man wanders into a forest alone, after committing a brutal murder. he vanishes without a trace. three furs have been sent to find him.

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Leviticus 20:10- if a man commits adultery with another man's wife- with the wife of his neighbor- both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death. mention these to any pastor and you get scorn. "they are no longer relevant today!"

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Dark Moonlight - 1 {WIP}

I read a spell from the book and was trying to commit it to memory . i was trying so hard that i hadn't even noticed the dark purple flame burning brightly on my right paw.

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true sight

She found me just minutes before i would commit suicide. when she spoke to me, her words were like angels of heaven speaking to me. if she had not stopped me that day i would be dead. "edward, are you doing ok?"

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Part 2 of Part 1... I know I know confusing

What if all the murders were committed by family or friends that were threatened into doing it while this person just sat off to the side and just watched? "you may be on to something there arnold." i pull out my phone and call down to the office.

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A doctor's crappy day part two

Hyde's commitment against slavery. more to follow on later day this is the end for a doctor's crappy day part two.

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Course Correction (Otherwise Untitled)

, a finger hanging over the 'commit to navigation' button on his console.

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Part of a much larger universe that i haven't bothered to commit to paper, and perhaps never will. [edit] added a bit more to help it along. that will teach me to post stuff at 6:am.

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Karmic Pursuit

About the infractions you committed. doe: i didn't do anything wrong. thais: these are the words of four people against yours.

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Kanova Lore

They're quite an evil group of foxes, able to commit some of the most downright heinous experiments. if there's a terrible way to die, chances are that kanova has experimented on some poor sap with that method, in some way and in some place.

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