The Nightmare of Nightmares

Awoke, he tried to get up but realized he was strapped down, looking around he recognized tools of surgery and other odd instruments and then he instantly knew where he was in the mad scientist lab from the horror movie he'd snuck a few moments of before archer

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Dro'amoreth the Wise

Capable with his bow as well, dro'amoreth is an accomplished archer, being able to pinpoint targets from a long range away.


Khajiit Breeds

Standing about three feet tall, and very nimble and thin, the dagi are possibly as good archers as the bosmer themselves.

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A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 3-The Cards

An archer, which showed a man in light armor with an arrow pulled back in it's bow, and a mink, who was slouched in the grass. the very last one held a glowing star and was titled, the star.

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Fifteen

The warthog roared in anger, and he walked towards a group of the archers, snatching the bow out of a cheetahs paws, he looked to markus and grabbed an arrow out of the soldier's quiver and aimed.

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A fight for freedom - chapter 2

archers followed thier movements from towers. "saria! you're back!" a dark grey female ran out through the guards and lept upon saria. "hey ang." she looked over the others shoulder "where's the elder shouldnt you be tending to her?"

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"The Thin Line," Part G

They were the sort of ants you saw in the picture-books showing long-ago battles, with whole squadrons of mounted archers.

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K'Jaar adventures 1

Female archer. "what are you doing here cat?" archer asked."you! who are you!?"k'jaar asked."i am lydia. may i go with you?" k'jaar alowed lydia to go with her. they camed to high hrongtar. greybeards notised dragonborn at the first time.


Search for Geneva's heart chapter one

The tree on the inside of the line was two swordsmen and an archer. they were of either mixed or pure blood were canines. they had dingo, fox, wolf, or coyote but many was mixed and hard to know their breed.

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Adventures of LEO! part 2

Behind k'jaar was a mystery archer. who shoot the troll. and all the fruit indians. it was _ **hircine!** _ an ex-commander of olaf's army. alive. totaly alive! and his army. as soon as maverious looked at them a dragon grabed maverious.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 37

If they were too narrow, the archers wouldn't be able to fire through them, but if they were too wide, they wouldn't have any protection from the enemy's arrows... enemy's arrows? 'enemy'?

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 37

If they were too narrow, the archers wouldn't be able to fire through them, but if they were too wide, they wouldn't have any protection from the enemy's arrows... enemy's arrows? 'enemy'?

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