WoW: Owl Odyssey - The Acorn Contest

I come in no harm. i mere's want to see this great tree (i knew as these night elves and they pride)!" they seem'd curious (p'raps 'bout my wom'nliness) and one by tha name of one dionna swiftrunner come ta tha front."

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The Outlander 3 32

"away with your weapons," the beast cowered, "i mean you no harm!" "who are you? are you the creature that's been stealing our food?" "i was hungry," the creature replied. "why you here?"

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Not Exactly as Expected

"there is no harm in this, child. this helps you become part of the village, and that is why you are sent out here. i am not here to stop this. just to watch." he walked up, leaning heavily on a cane.

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Windchaser - Dawn of a New Day

Thankfully, there was no harm done and he was able to direct me towards the market, he was a pretty smart furre, since he noticed my stick and gave me precise directions." "at least you didn't get the gratuitous town dopey."

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Forge of Heroes - Mania

"i see no harm in it," k'eyush said after a minute. "i'm k'eyush. this is svara, ari, wraith, and asar." "and are all of you assassins?" "naw," asar shook his head. "i'm not, and neither the otter girl nor the quiet cat are either."

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Not All Men Are Wolves (Chapter 1)

He clearly means no harm. "so what brings you to this part of town? can't say you look like a raver." the more i looked at him, the easier it became but a strange discomfort kept rising in my stomach. he laughed and said.

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The Hunter of Baile Chapter 1: A Boy and his Farm

Nearing the stable, the man called out to north "hoi there small fry, i mean you no harm, but i must ask, do you have any feed for a horse?"

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 14

As long as i am chieftain, no harm will come to the foxes of grovenglen." it felt like an iron fist suddenly disappeared from around ander's heart, and he could finally breathe easy again.

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POV vore - you and Toothless the dragon

no harm done. he'll wonder why his belly is suddenly empty when you shift back out, but that's it. slimy pink flesh slides past your goggles as the stomach grows used to your presence. it's hot in here and you're grateful for the suit's insulation.

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Nona: Chapter Four: Sanctuary

"don't be scared, i mean you no harm," the fox woman said in a warm and calm voice, she had an russian accent, which katelyne had never heard before.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 14

As long as i am chieftain, no harm will come to the foxes of grovenglen." it felt like an iron fist suddenly disappeared from around ander's heart, and he could finally breathe easy again.

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Children of Infinity

There's no harm there, just calm, quiet desperation so slowly sneaking that by the time it has you bound, no alarm was ever raised.

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