Dragon Storm: Chapter 30: A Stunning Banquet Invitation!
I almost forgot about you, your shayde the bounty hunter! i have fought so many opponents; it's hard to recall all the faces. you say you have learned a few new things, huh? who says you can't teach an old dog-" yun said, but then got interrupted.
Wind of Change: Chapter 21
"fellow pirates, smugglers, mercs, and even bounty hunters, like me. it's no coincidence that he was the most notorious criminal while no one is on par with him.
ABJAW Chapter 2
With the abundance of people working 'freelance' (i.e. bounty hunters), it's a small deterrence. same goes to the mail carts. again, no one seems to care about me, a basilisk, not wearing any blindfold.
The Walk from Darkness to Light: Part 2
Today, the slayers act as mercenaries and bounty hunters specializing in criminal organizations and extremely dangerous races, though they still hold true to a high standard of business and are not as unscrupulous as most mercenaries are.
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 10
You're a bounty hunter, while i'm--." "you're a spy, aren't you?" the draconian quickly closed dairyu's maws while asking him to stay quiet.
Black Meridian 11: Yellow Eyes
Not that much; lyric helped him get into the circus, then yelled at him for being drunk, then saved his life from bounty hunters, then... that was it. there wasn't much basis for love there.
Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Thirty Six
He'd always known his chances of surviving very long were slim, but he had expected his last stand to be against a vengeful sorakine, or a gang of bounty hunters. not this ugly, stupid, crab. this crab that had...
The Island Guardian 4 - Hunting the Hunters
I'm the best damn bounty hunter money can buy you li'l gutterlizard!" "does that mean money is worthless then?" "g-guh, you-okay, you're goin' down first!"
Star Wars: Right vs Easy (Commission)
"bounty hunters like to use this planet, it's connected to the guild," she explained, gesturing down another corridor- at the other end, a pair of rodians were sweeping an alley with blaster rifles held ready.
Isolation-Excerpt 26-Treetop Labs
"i'm a guard kid", mike said, "sargent mike taylor, this is my friend skyline, he's a bounty hunter who was hired by james to kill off all the mutants and get survivors to safety." the kid looked at me, "where's your ship?
Dragon Storm: Chapter 32: Shayde Vs. Yun, Exceeding the Limits to Attack!
After all, how much sense would it make to make the bounty hunter's job not much of a hunt to begin with?" yun said and put on a serious expression. "i see. so then why do you fight, yun?" shayde asked while lifting one ear.
Chapter 21: The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend
Was he scared of his family, who was possibly going to send their own personal bounty hunters to track him down and slaughter him? so many things factored in, but none of them led to any answers.