Facility- Chapter 10

But now that i have a tail not only does it have feeling but i can move it, which means space that was being reserved for some other part of my body is not being used so that i can feel and move my tail.

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Facility- Chapter 2

And it's also almost painfully obvious that this is also a facility designed to be used by more than one or two people.

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A Brief Report on Dragons ver. 2

This can be used for reconnaissance or as a distraction. dragons can also make clones of themselves to be in multiple places at once. this process takes a portion of their overall power, and too many clones will lead to exhaustion.

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Character Sheet: Eros.

The active node is the cell whose base is being used for his current bio-structure, while the dormant one is the node he'll use to switch forms.

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The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch2 - Survival

However, ice would be useful...' an idea formed in his head. gathering his strength, he concentrated on creating an platform of ice behind him with his bracelet, so he could climb up on it.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 61 - At my expense...

And maybe i chose to be used by her, just so that she would stay with me... and so i stayed... it didn't take long before we went to bed... my back was facing her throughout the night when i was in bed with her...

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Wiroch: Accepted Course

be useful or the world will shun you and you will perish from it's embrace." elijah had heard her speak on many occasions. all of them seemed to be saying the same thing; _live_.

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The World We Live In: Chapter 40

They were also in a broken, abandoned state which could not even be used for living or settle. unlike the building that the collective had made their home, this one could not be used as that. it was more like a graveyard than a ruin.

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Chapter VIII: Return of the Master

Koji rewrapped the scarf and decided that it might be useful for something. he looked around it and ignored the eleventh doctor trying to push him out of the group and put him with some sort of savage girl.

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Chapter X: Edge of Destruction, Part Two

Nikolai said adding to the conversation that there were two docking ports that could be used. of course they would just have to start up the autopilot. twilight entered the opened shuttle door and walked in through the airdock.

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It Started With Toast- Chapter 17

"err yeh sadly but that can be used to your advantage and you could get out of there." punching the glass again, tiger just growled. "i don't know if you have forgotten but i don't have any legs but...


Seppia: Game Mechs and Out of Character Items

#1 of seppia: furry trpg ok, this is the other mechs that will be used in seppia.

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