In His Arms

It smelled fresh and clean and made my whiskers melt. even in sleep, he looked graceful and beautiful with the fur on his head just barely hanging over his eyes. i wanted to touch him. to lift my hand and push the fur behind his ear.

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River (Otter tf)

My face is covered in fur and whiskers soon grow too. suddenly i feel an urge to go into the river so i stumble my way across still shrinking into a otter like size. splash!



I mapped out this day," said the mouse, whiskers twitching, eyes darting to the chocolate shop. to the symphony theater. all curved. all concave. "i mapped it out in my head.

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The Angel

Strolling forward in white robes, a tall staff in her paw, a second mouse doe made her way through the night; congealed mist glinting from her whiskers.

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Divisions, Chapter Two: Family Meeting (partial)

Lee's whiskers twitch like he's thinking the same, but he responds smoothly. "none of this was planned, actually. it's just worked out okay so far." "for you." gregory snarls down at him. "i know dev.

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Outcast - Chapter 3

I don't know how long i'd been asleep, nor did i know how long he'd been there, but my whiskers tingled madly in his presence. i opened my eyes to find the room had been plunged into complete darkness.


Raspberry Iced Tea

The mouse, whiskers twitching, let out a breath ... paws fiddling ... reaching over to the bed-stand. which had a lamp. had some pennies. had an alarm clock (fifteen years old, and still working). and a toy ship.

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wander ~ Chapter 8

Tony's ears remained half-folded back, whiskers forward and eyes still avoiding mine. he reached up and scratched behind one of those ears. "okay, i dunno. what happened?"

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Maybe This Time

Feeling the wind tickle her whiskers. watching a little insect, a walking-stick, crawl along her shin. hearing a beetle buzz by, come to inspect the acorns and leaves scattered about her short dress. all of them flitting sensations.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 3

His whiskers formed a mustache. he set the plate into her hand. "good boy. emmy wants you to eat the ones she has, and she'll have the ones on the table, agreed?"

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Love At It's Finest: Episode 5

His whiskers twitch, but he otherwise remains silent. i put my head in my paw and sigh, glancing back over at him. well, at the very least, he appreciates dark humour.

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Sky Splitting

Droplets clung to his whiskers. "there's a whole wide world out there for people like us." helix said. "and why didn't you tell me? was it a test?" "kind of." helix stepped under a tree. a car flew past.

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